For the average working professional in sg, saving 1.5 million to 2 million in their lifetime is not a problem.
But 2 million is not alot actually. Lets assume a scenario. A man at age 62 who just retired with savings of 2 million dollars.
Below is the allocation of his savings,
Private Housing (Condo, landed property) ---700k to 1 million
Retirement fund ---500k (assuming 2k spending per month for the next 20 yrs of his life)
Inheritance for his wife/child ---500k (split between the 2 of them)
Perhaps, throw in a japanese saloon car as part of his assets.
There we have it, 2 million just nice.

BUT if the man in our scenario wants to have anymore extra such as nicer car, bigger house, holidays in America/Europe, then he must learn to make his money work for him. That is by putting it into stocks, REITs and other investments.
OK, basically, that sums up the average working professional's life. Wat do u guys think?