*Jedi Military Band assembles, plays the Imperial March* 
*steps up to the podium, heavy breathing*My fellow forummites of Cafe Casual Redux:
I hereby thank everyone for all your support in electing me as the fourth moderator of this wonderful forum. I had tons of fun fighting the campaign against my worthy opponent StarPuppy, and truth be told, if I had lost, I wouldn't have mind losing the election to her.
And StarPuppy... sorry about adding that rat poison to your fruit punch. Nothing personal..... it's just politics.

I've seen how Cafe Casual Redux has evolved over the past year, from its very beginnings when it was known as the Jedi Academy and was created in the run-up to Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. I have many pleasant memories of those days when I could just be another nerdy Sith-wannabe in a forum full of Jedi Knights.
Whether it was chopping off Deathscythe's hand and claiming that I was his father, or engaging in a double lightsaber duel with Gordonator and Lazerlordz, or going up against ten Jedi Knights all at once while in the middle of discussion, it was pure fun.

Change, as they say, is the only inevitable thing in life, and I suppose it's only inevitable that the Jedi Academy should reinvent itself as Cafe Casual Redux, which is not only a nice little spot for 20-somethings to chill out, but also acts as a de facto hangout location for the undergraduates of NUS and NTU. Moderators, too, come and go. I guess I should be truly honoured to be standing among the ranks of my fellow moderators Deathscythe, Gordonator, and Lazerlordz, for it is indeed a privilege enjoyed only by a few.
I recognise that being a moderator entails great responsibilities, but as Peter Parker would say, with great power holds great responsibility. I can only hope that everyone will continue to give me your full support and cooperation to make this forum a great place for everyone to enjoy.
And sorry, no more chocolate fudge ice-cream for everyone. I've got a paper at 1pm tomorrow, and I need to study for it.

*gets bombarded with rotten tomatoes*
*scuffle breaks out*
*scuffle escalates into riots*
*martial law declared*