My grandfather passed away last night from complications arising from pneumonia.

As a result, I had to take leave from my internship today at extremely short notice so as to attend the funeral and the wake just now. After all the grieving, all the prayers and all the other funeral preparations, I found myself asking myself, "So, Fudge.... what have you been doing with YOUR life?"
Let's face it; right now while we're all still young and living a carefree existence it doesn't really occur to us that we're all gonna die sooner or later. We may all end up living a good and meaningful life like my grandfather did. That, is until he had a debillitating stroke a few years ago which left him bedridden. Even so, I could see him trying to hold on to having a meaningful life, until pneumonia effectively ended it.
Then again, death may simply claim us at any time and at any place. Death does not discriminate between the young and old when it comes to sudden death (ie by accident, severe illness, etc).
So I just want to ask you guys: How often do you guys think about the idea that someday, we're all gonna die?
How do you respond to that thought: with dread, or with the resolve to live life to the fullest as much as you can?