These could be slightly dark in nature, so bear with me


Not everyone benefits from IMF-branded globalisation.

Arbeit Macht Frei ? No, work may not set you free.

Barriers to entry, blockades to your spirit.

So what if you escaped the tagging?

Even the gallows break, to keep you in this forsaken Earth...
Arbeit Macht Frei means in German,
Work Will Set You Free. These three words were the first words the Jewish POWs saw when they entered Auschwitz Camp No.1. At least one million Jews were murdered at Auschwitz, along with 75,000 Poles, 20,000 Roma, 10,000 Russian POWs and tens of thousands of homosexuals and others.
~ Sources: The Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum, The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
We may not have a Holocaust on our hands today, but repression of the soul and of the individual still exists in many parts of the world.I hope these visual images have provoked you into thinking about this issue of people being denied a voice in this world, especially the persecuted, the downtrodden and those denied their place as human beings by the thoughts of the majority.