Ladies out there ready to shot out your answer by the horny method or normal method
do u speak english?
Anyone wants to help answer the FT?
Originally posted by Onewaytransfer:
"btss tokking what?
Quote first, show mama later"
Why need to make it so difficult make it simple go according to your wishes - just on yourself how to make your guy around you horny isnt it simple?
Originally posted by ToaToaK:Why need to make it so difficult make it simple go according to your wishes - just on yourself how to make your guy around you horny isnt it simple?
no lah the shoe bark throw canon tomorrow so horny until normal method big small shoot and shoot lah!
Propose we ban him from the forum in the interests of the species.
What broken English from TS!
Originally posted by ToaToaK:Ladies out there ready to shot out your answer by the horny method or normal method
Lu toa toak simi leh?
i think he trying to say how to make girls horny or how girls make guys horny. thats it
Would toak understand our English if posted?
the most cheem vocab he knows is the word "horny"
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Originally posted by FireIce:the most cheem vocab he knows is the word "horny"
he not related to me hor...........must draw the line first.....
'horny' or 'homy'
Ben is coming...
another way to say 'ben is coming' is 'ben's cumming'.
she will do fine, if she gives me oral, it will be extra ticklish