Yo bros,
I am a vegetarian in my mid 30 this year and is suffering from ED. I started a relationship 6 months back and had sex about twice per month but non of them work unless I take Viagra.
I had tried the following but till now still no use.
1) My family clinic who perscribed Viagra to me and it works.
2) I then went for a full body health screening and the result is fine.
3) Next I tried a Urology specialist in Glen Eagle hospital. That doctor suspected I had something called venous leak and send me for UltraSound scanning. The end result was that my penis is alright and there is no venous leak or narrowed blood vessel that causes ED. He even claim that he will give me some medicines to take which will repair my whole body system but turns out to be Cialis OAD (Once A Day) which I did not take since it behaves closely to Viagra. I am trying not to take Viagra or Viagra alike anymore, that is why I went through all the trouble to seek for the right treatment.
4) At present, I am trying TCM which is the Public Free clinic since early Sep till now. But it also didn't help much. My penis can erect but is still soft and could not sustain for long.
It is definitely not a physchological problem since I don' t feel stress or unhappy.. Neither nor am I nervous or anxious as I had watched countless love making videos from the web and had already been masturbating frequently (every alternate day since I am in my mid 20s) since the last 20 plus years.
I am really at my wits end now brothers.. Hope anyone who see this post and had similar issue can help me. I am thinking if I cannot get this sickness fixed by Dec I might as well discontinue the relationship with my girlfriend since I really cannot stand a relationship or marriage life without sex.She is just a few years younger than me and I hope to get married by next year and that' s why I want to settle this unknown issue soon.
Thanks to those serious helpers only:)
eh......not sure whether you'll consider this serious lol.... one of my friends had the same prob......with his wife. but according to him , it only affects his wife...... not other women.
no matter how hard he tried..... simply don't last long enough for sex to start. can only tell his wife he's stressed. but once outside his exact words "I turned into a dragon"
with his wife he could only imagine her trying to start an arguement whenever she tried to initiate sex.
beyond stress ,sickness and tiredness? nutrition?
changed your diet recently? what kind of vegan are you? the healthy type or the deep fried type?
Sorry i'm not an expert but i really want to help you out based on what i know.
Firstly i need to ask you that when you said that you are masturbating for the past 20 years, do you also have ED? And when did the symptoms appear?
Secondly, unhealthy eating habits and lifestyle like the intake of drugs, alcohol and smoking can hamper your normal blood flow and might affect your normal neurological functions which might cause ED. Lack of excercise might also cause ED.
Thirdly, having low testosterone levels might affect your sex drive and not only that but testosterone is also needed to keep your penis erect.
PS: No offence but you might not be satisfied with your as she might not be attractive or emotionally fulfilling. ( This point is very important as this might be the cause of your ED)
Well, if you really are at wits end but you really want to marry this girlfriend and engage in sexual activity with her. You could try having foreplay before sex which might increase sexual arousal of both parties. Who knows, you might not have ED when you engage in sexual intercourse.
Sorry man, thats all i can think of. I guessed that what you should really do is find another doctor in another hospital who might be more experienced in dealing with the third case i have mentioned. Or you could find a professional sex consultant who might be able to help you too.
Thanks for reading bro, all the best for you.
so straight forward. you must too much lah. ask yourself, must can shoot, but penetrate rock cannot shoot. that's the problem. you no fuking your wife hard enough. take one week leave your wife too. go sentosa or chalet with your wikfe and do whole day until you can shoot during intercourse. with the first ejaculation in her, you are on your way to curing this alrerady.
but be ready to stay in the pigeon hole calet room and mate with here all day long. take breaks in betwee, no need viagra 1 lah. like me 50 yo with angle everyting she begs me stop when we go chalet
Erectile Dysfunction is a condition in which men are not able to attain strong erection during sexual stimulation. Thuse to cure it you can try generic viagra which is an effective medication that help men to cure the problem of male impotence.
he need to tell us its is inheritance or he started having soft cock sullenly. we can help,
suck cock can stand or not?
appranetly cannot.
Is there a cure for ED??? One that would get you back your potency permanently ???
depends on the situation. like TS case unless he provide more informationthen mayb can help. seems like a psychological problem when mast can cum, intercourse cannot cum. suck oral don know can or not
Just continue the viagra la. And please don't call it 'love making video'
its soft porn lah. usually motion only no shoot frmaes of the pen and veg
For men's manhood, it's the best when you include these into your diet:
1. Wolfberry (goji berry; 寧�枸�)
2. Tomato
3. Pumpkin
these can help sperm count, or can help excite stimulate ejeculation?
these 2 photos engouh for mecan erect already
Go for operations?
Originally posted by troublemaker2005:
these 2 photos engouh for mecan erect already