first half, we watched a couple of videos. one of which was positively pornographic, biologically speaking. i've seen plenty of "human reproduction" videos throughout my biology career. but none has come this far with details and imagery.
we were brought through the passage that the sperm takes on its perilous journey (those glands secreting their stuff into the passage), as well as the ovum's rite of passage.
then there was this infrared image of the flacid THIHNG becoming engorged with blood.
we also saw for about 3 seconds, the head of the baby come out of the STRETCHED mouth of the birth canal, in all its gory glory, it's face all srcunched up as if in disgust. and the nurses stuffed this pump thing into its mouth to make it breathe. then, the next 2 seconds we saw the entire piece of baby slip out,
i don't EVER want to see that again.
then the sec half of the prac got a few stations we had to go to and listen to the TAs talk about the displays. we traced the development of the human fetus from fertilization right to birth. then also got frog embryo and chick development.
we had to make quick sketches of the displays. i regret to say that my human embryonic ball of cells look rather like a shrivelled bunch of grapes. i don't even want to talk about how my chick embryo looks like. and yes, that's a chick embryo you're looking at, not some extinct prehistoric prelife, if that's what you're thinking. geez.
how bout that for a practical?