Why did the vampire stay up so late?
.....He had to study for his blood test.
Why can't Dracular write poetry?
.....He goes from bat to verse.
How does a witch make scrambled eggs?
.....She holds the pan and gets 2 friends to make the stove shake with fright.
A skeleton walks into a bar and says to the bartender, "I'd like a beer and a mope."
What will a monster eat in a restaurant?
.....The waiter.
What happened when the werewolf chewed a bone for an hour?
.....When he got up he only had three legs.
What does a tired vampire do?
.....He takes a coffin break.
What is a vampire's favourite kind of coffee?
How does a vampire clean his house?
.....With a victim cleaner.
Why can't you be loney in a graveyard?
.....There's always some body there.