Originally posted by thehappybunny:foe-toe-shop one!
the eyes is weird
Originally posted by rlsh07:the eyes is weird
.....with all the cloning, this might possible
that would be so creepy though
oh man a dog + a parrot?
Originally posted by rlsh07:that would be so creepy though could be fun, people are bored with the conventional. Need to create something creepy
Originally posted by rlsh07:oh man a dog + a parrot?
.....i guessed a fox and a bird
Originally posted by NeverSayGoodBye: could be fun, people are bored with the conventional. Need to create something creepy
i guess so but then some times it's gd to be traditional though
Originally posted by rlsh07:i guess so but then some times it's gd to be traditional though
.....human beings are always curious, tradition is dying soon. tradition is not good enough, people are pushing the limit, it's a dangerous world we are living in
Originally posted by NeverSayGoodBye:
.....human beings are always curious, tradition is dying soon. tradition is not good enough, people are pushing the limit, it's a dangerous world we are living in
everything is never gd enough for anyone. but then it always starts with one person
hey hey!! do a dolphin and a toilet bowl can?? or a frog and a pile of sht.
Originally posted by starblue:hey hey!! do a dolphin and a toilet bowl can?? or a frog and a pile of sht.
....haha, I didn't make those pictures, snatched from somewhere
Well, i sincerely hope someone else can do your suggestions
so kawaii neh!!!!