It probably means it's for you to unload the items, then park at designated parking lot, THEN move your goods upstairs.Originally posted by ShutterBug:The purpose of the loading and unloading bays are for motorists to park
their vehicle temporarily when carrying out loading and unloading
activities. Motorists have to move their vehicles to designated parking lot
after completing such activities.
Even in Johor they are already using the coupon system for parking... becos of the high cost involve in maintaining the parking meters. The high cost will only generate into increase in the cost of car park maintain and in turn falls to the consumers.Originally posted by ShutterBug:Tricks and decoys like leaving the door/s open will only tighten rules on the misuse of these LUL bays.
The point is; the relevant authorities should think up a way to deter abusers, but allow those in need to benefit from these LUL bays. Otherwise, these bays are nothing more than revenue generating devices.
Install parking meters, charging a higher premium per half hour, and integrate a ground-up barier (like a steel pole) that rises in front of or behind parked vehicle preventing it from leaving the bay until over-parking charges are paid to the parking meter.
This, WILL surely work. But cost can be a bit high to implement, though it can be recovered by their use. This way, people can't park the whole day, and those who are making deliveries, loading & unloading, can't take their own sweet time.