a bit cold in here, no one around...shivers.... ^_^
Guys/Gals in NTU:
Visual Arts Society will be holding its annual Arts Fiesta from 11-13 March 2002.
And Comics Ensemble, will also be part of this great event, with our own Comics Convention 2002!! For those who love comics, come on down to Southspine Canteen B on any of the 3 days to get comics and merchandise at great prices!!
Not only that, for every $10 spent, you're entitled to a lucky draw coupon which can be used to win fabulous prizes on the 3rd day of the Convention!!
Finally, if you can only come on 1 day, then let it be the 2nd day, 12 Mar. Why? Because we'll have a "LIVE" Demonstration by a comics artist! And if you have any questions regarding comics, he's your man!! Not sure whether to register for the comics course? Throw him with questions!
More info? You can look for it in
http://homex.coolconnect.com/member3/ntuanimeclub/index.html, or
email me at
[email protected].