Temporary Closure Of CTE Tunnel Slip RoadsTo facilitate maintenance works at the Central Expressway (CTE) tunnels, the following slip roads will be temporarily closed to traffic from
12am to 5am:
1) CTE (SLE) to Clemenceau Avenue (Exit 2)
8 January 20082) CTE (SLE) to Merchant Road (Exit 2)
8 January 20083) Merchant Road to CTE (AYE)
8 January 20084) Upper Cross Street to CTE (SLE)
9 January 20085) CTE (AYE) to Havelock Road (Exit 2)
9 January 20086) Cairnhill Circle to CTE (SLE)
10 January 20087) CTE (AYE) to Cairnhill Circle (Exit 5)
10 January 2008***********************************************************************************
Motorists are advised to drive carefully and follow the directional signs on display & should motorists have any queries, they can contact the LTA hotline at 1800-CALL LTA.