to be brutally frank, Joe Cole was obstructing play by lying on the ball.. seriously..
it would be akin to someone sitting on the ball.. they had a right to come try get the ball from him.. only they did it wrongly..
btw, the Drog actually admitted to cheating.. and he was most unrepentant about it... (click here for the report =>
Drogba Admits Handling Ball)
we "see what we want to see" but it was clear as day when players cheat where they didn't before, they must be under so much stress and pressure to do so...
Robben was a clean player before
SWP was a clean player before
goodness knows what happened...
i guess the only player who seems to have a shred of decorum in him is Petr Cech..
there are other players who are as dirty.. players like Pires and Ruudy van come to mind, but never ever has cheating reached such proportions as a whole team getting involved in blatant cheating.. from diving, to handballs, to outright trying to maim other players...
for this, maybe we should look to the history of things.. where managers turn a blind eye to it.. managers like Wenger and Ferguson, who refused to blame their own players when they did cheat... or commit horrific fouls..
in a cynical club like Chelsea, where the weight of Roman's Roubles have a gravity of their own, i guess the pressure to get results has caused the whole team to crack... look out for it... already, signs are there that they will implode under such pressures...
could be, this blatant team effort at cheating, is just the tip of the iceberg...
scary thing is, if Roman gets bored of this and pulls out, Chelsea will be no more.. no club on earth, not even Real Madrid can sustain such expenses without crippling debt..
the neutral? i'm as neutral as it's going to get with football.. and i'm giving them a scathing review.. think about those with bias...
it's a sad day for football when there is concerted effort in a team to cheat... it doesn't take much to understand why Chelsea is hated, not just by supporters of other teams, but by the neutrals who love the game of football as well..
btw, i have been asked which team i supported, the team i support does not exist anymore.. so there, i'm as neutral as it's going to get...