Chelsea stars John Terry and Frank Lampard are being lined up to star in a new Bollywood film. The Times says Chelsea have a significant role in the film, Jhoom, which features Abhishek Bachchan, the Bollywood heart-throb, as a devoted Chelsea fan. It will include footage of the players in action and is scheduled for release next May.
"The Premier League is very popular in India and Chelsea has a huge support over there, which is growing all the time," Bachchan said.
Producers are also in talks Blues manager Jose Mourinho about a walk-on part.
o.O A Chelsea Movie ? And I did not knew that we are that popular in India
wah lao RM gets to go hollywood den we.......
Dun like the idea .
Chelsea players not in Bollywood movie
Tuesday, Sep 26, 2006 In light of newspaper reports speculating that Chelsea Football Club players or management will possibly appear in a forthcoming Bollywood movie, the club would like to make clear the extent of its involvement in Jhoom Barabar Jhoom.
There are no discussions for players or management to appear in any role in the film. Nor will any footage of Chelsea FC currently appear.
The script of the film involves a story line where the main character is a loyal Chelsea fan who wears the home shirt on screen. Naturally the club is honoured to be featured like this