A Tasman 2 seater lounger was purchased from Natural Living Pte Ltd, Tanjong Katong branch on the 26th November 2010.
Upon purchase, we had already informed the sales person that we are staying in an apartment, and are on the 5th floor. We asked her if there would be any problem delivering the product but she confirmed that there would be no problem, as the delivery team would 'know how to do it'. She even mentioned that the item could be dismantled if it was too big to come up as one piece. Delivery for the 2nd of December was confirmed, and indicated on the invoice. Delivery on the 2nd was attempted at about 9pm (even though delivery slot was highlighted to be 3-7pm). The guys informed us that the item was unable to be carried up due to its size. We were told we'd be contacted by someone the next day. We asked them to look into the alternative of getting a crane to bring up the lounger but they replied that 'it's very expensive and not worth it'. Time and time again, nothing could be confirmed by many of the staff til we managed to get the product manager, Erwin's mobile number. Erwin Ng was prompt in arranging for a contractor to come down to see if there were any alternatives. He told us measurements will be taken and outcome will be let known to us. Sadly, we did not get any reply. On the 15th of Dec, I received a call at 4pm from a delivery guy. I had no idea that the item was to be delivered on the day itself, and nobody was at home. We rushed home to open the gate for them. Again, they could not carry the lounger up the staircase. We both took time off from work over and over again only to wait in vain. We emailed and called Erwin again, but he said there was no way to carry the item up, and using ropes to pull the item up is too dangerous. Eventually on the 22nd of December, Erwin agreed to engage crane services to bring the item up on Xmas eve if costs were shared by us. Erwin SMSed us on the 23rd to prepare $400 cash for the contractor on the 24th, 1pm. Finally, a month since we purchased the item, at 3.40pm today, a group of 8 men came to our place. No crane was seen. We called Erwin to check, and he then told us that he was unable to get a crane before Xmas day. What I saw today was nothing close to having a crane moving the item. It was rope and 8 men tugging the whole thing up from our balcony. What was too dangerous initially ended up the only way we could get the item by xmas. We offered to share the cost of engaging crane services as it was too dangerous using other means. How could an established company like theirs be so irresponsible to handle the situation this way?? To agree to share costs for the crane services, then end up making us pay the full sum for the 'dangerous' method of pulling up the item is really unacceptable. We were satisfied with the work done today by the logistics company, and paid them the full $400 in cash. The initial delivery charges were already paid to Natural Living, but they failed to get the item to us. The additional $400 was paid to the logistics company directly. What we are disgusted with is the way Natural Living handled the whole issue. Did he not want to use this method if we did not offer to pay? But what we were willing to pay for was crane services, not something dangerous. Natural Living is part of Novena group of companies. Is this how they work? Oh, and the many emails sent to their customer service account info@natural-living.com.sg were not replied to. Apparently, that account is NON-EXISTENT. What kind of customer service can one expect from them then? |