Homage to Mipham Rinpoche
for his Great Wisdom in alleviating the sufferings and empower the wisdom of
many who see His Holy thangka
May all who venerate with respect , reduces the heaviest karma of 84,000 kalpa and able to benefit other sentient beings along 
H. E. Jamgong Mipham Rinpoche
The history of the incarnations of the great Nyingma scholar, terton and meditational adept, Jamgong Mipham Rinpoche is surprisingly small considering the wealth of sutra and tantra commentaries which Mipham Rinpoche wrote during his first incarnation.
It is often stated that Mipham Rinpoche was one of the great figures of the Rimé movement because of the vastness of his scholarly works .
He authored more than 300 treatises and he was also the spiritual leader of the Jumo Hor monastery in Eastern Tibet.
The first Mipham Rinpoche also spent many years in strict meditational retreat and displayed many signs of enlightenment. Because of his extensive knowledge and deep realisation.he was counted among the most extraordinary masters of his time