In about a month time, Chinese New Year is coming. Share with us any jokes related to Chinese New Year - real or not also can.
Sigh.. Hardly come across any Chinese New Year Jokes.
this happened 2 years ago.
in a usual CNY gathering & visiting (in a large n noisy crowd) a boy (aged 10) greet his unmarried aunty - XIN NIAN KUAI LE, WAN SHI RU YI. in order to get better $ in hong bao, he added on - ZHAO SHEN GUI ZI.
all sudden, the noisy crowd stared @the boy n the aunty... to break the ice...aunty give him the ang bao and say...kuai le = soon will hv GUI ZI.
Gong Xi Gong Xi Gong Xi ni ah! Translate in hokkien and you know what I mean.
So far, really never come across any chinese new year jokes in my e-mail.
Seems like chinese new year jokes are very few and rare.
I happen to see a chinese new year joke in one of the forum.