Basic Training Elements of BaguazhangAs it is an internal art, qigong is a must for this art. As one progesses on, mind intention along with physical training will be taught. This is why baguazhang is powerful.
From coiling to uncoiling, from left to right & up to down & down to up, the rapid-change ability of the the Baguazhang practitioner makes the unpredictable commonplace. Much like the Yi Jing, or Book of Change, Baguazhang practitioners interpret & extrapolate information by studying the changes. Circle walking allows the practitioner to build up an endurance in the strength of the legs, in the length of the breath and in the direction and steadfastness of the minds intention. The smooth, continuously changing movements flow evenly like the water of a stream, the power of a deep river, and the tumultuous changing of white rapids. By constantly rotating and stirring up the Lower dan tian, all power & movement originates from that source. This is the union of mind-intent, Yi, and vital energy, Qi. Techniques that possess this motivation are very advanced in their practice, and the side effects are very far-reaching. Just as all Taoism seeks to find the balance of yin and yang within the natural world, Baguazhang seeks such a balance both within oneÂ’s own body & without through their interaction with not only opponents during combat, but during practice they adapt to their terrain, the weather, astrological conditions, etc. Just as the training evens out & coordinates the body's Qi, spirit and physical movements, such training also evens out temperament, organizational thinking and resource application in our everyday lives.
As with most other neigong styles, keeping the back erect, or straight, is important. That would mean that the head is suspended from the crown point as if held by a thread, allowing the body to ‘hang’ down from it. The tailbone, wei lu, must appear to be turned under, that is, the sway back curvature of the lower spine must be opened as well in order for the spine to be straightened. Also, like Taiji, there is a sinking of the chest and an opening of the back to further facilitate this relaxed suspension. This hanging is one way of maintaining a relaxed posture, not one where the muscle tension of a held posture would disturb the natural flow of Qi. One must maintain a standard height in their circle walking without rising and falling with each step. This is a common mistake in internal martial arts because it is very tiring as a lot of weight is on the rear foot.
The circularity & continuous flow offers a different form of body conditioning than that of Shaolin or Taiji styles of kung fu practice. Once the paths of internal energy flow are fully opened and the mind is trained to lead the vital energy, oneÂ’s limbs seem to be immovable when necessary, and as pliant as tissue paper when listening Jing or other yin energies are necessary. These are some of the reasons why the development of Qi is more readily visible in Baguazhang than in other styles of internal practice. Practitioners are capable of a much greater range of flexibility & power generation very early in their practice, and there seems to be an almost unending source of motivational energy to draw from in their practice. Consistent practice and consideration of the concepts involved will lead the practitioner to a unique state of being, in their physical body, their Qi body, and in their spirit. With mind-intent training, one can strike and do a lot damage to the opponent.
Baguazhang is an incredibly close range fighting system. Although it uses the long and middle ranges in itÂ’s attack/defense, the closest ranges offer the greatest availability for a quick defeat of the enemy. The turning and spiraling movements are designed to deflect and parry incoming forces, while maximizing your own. When such maneuvers are used in a confrontation, the Bagua practitioner keeps himself and his vital areas from harm while applying the greatest amount of energy to the weakest points on the opponents' anatomy. Another reason why this art is powerful.
Thankfully, not all can practice this as internal energy is required and not many are able to build up this kind of internal energy. If not, this thread will be accused of harming people.