Originally posted by kimuraguy:
well if you ask me i think darren's gym is alot better than the SBG one. darren's BJJ is suited more for competition while the other BJJ gyms are more text book.
To prove it darren's got guys coming as far as philipines and the uk to train with him. They found it "different" and too effective.
His gym also sends guys out fo fight professionally overseas. i think he's got a guy there who has won 4 australian BJJ titles that train in his gym, a guy who came in 4th in NAGA (Big grappling event in America) and i think one of his students is preparing to fight in Europe.
The last grappling tournament which his guys took part in, well they sent in 9 guys and won 7 medals. they would have won more but they were robbed by the referee and the judges. (His 78kg guy was paired with a guy 95kg)
And if i'm not mistaken i think there was a guy called kon learning bjj from darren a long time ago. don't know if it was the same guy you guys mentioned or not.
well if you wanna get hold of darren:
mixed martial arts academy
tel: 64385788 or 91852887
add: 41c north canal road
email: mma_academy@pacific.net.sg
Hi Kimura guy
Thanks for the response. Please don't take my post personally, I'm just a very straightforward kind of guy.
As I said in my other posts, I'm quite a skeptical guy because of my past experience in MA and the tons of bullshat that comes with it. I don't really care if it's more competition or textbook based, like the saying goes, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Has Darren's guys wrestled or bjj'ed (or whatever it's called) with Kon's guys before? Has Darren wrestled with Kon before? Who won? What's the score like?
There's been talk that a white belt has tapped out Jason Qwek a purple belt, but until now, one says he got tapped out once, another 4 times, another that the purple belt was someone else, and nobody can name who's the white belt and where he's from. I don't know if the post was meant to be a promotions/marketing thing to promote a certain gym or to badmouth another gym, but I want to know only the truth. I don't know any of them btw.
I think having people to train with you from UK and Phillipines does not prove anything, it may just be good marketing. People believe that Sai Baba is God too so people will believe anything.
So unless there's some proof of it, I'm skeptical. Kon learned from Darren? Is there any proof of that or just heresay? Anyway it doesn't matter who learned from who but who can teach better, and know their stuff better.
Also what belt is Kon and what belt is Darren in BJJ? I guess BJJ is one of the martial arts where the belt really means something, from what I read anyway.