Originally posted by NoRiceBoys:
I think all this badmouthing is totally unnecessary. We learn an art to improve ourselves. Some people will just be better physically from the start than others, there's no necessity to call anyone a loser or whatever. I can be a karate, judo, bjj, akido, bullshido black belt 9th dan, and Fedor can be in his totally untrained state, and in a fight he'll probably still kick my ass real bad.
I agree that this Jason guy, if he's really overpowered by a white belt, his belt ranking system is really suspect. Because I understand that you have to be able to tap most of the white belts in your school, and also from other schools in tournaments, before you can be promoted to even a blue.
I don't think a reputable purple belt will be tapped out by many white belts, maybe one or two out of a lot, because like I said some people are just naturally very good or already have a judo background or even a judo black belt. What I've read on the net says that even a BJJ blue belt can regularly tap out judo black or brown belts.
And when the term "Darren's guys" are used, did Darren train these people from scratch, or are these people ang mohs from other country who've already trained for many years, or from the Phillipines, and they just fight under Darren's banner? Because if they were already all trained overseas by good teachers and just come to fight here under a certain gym's banner, then they're not really Darren's students right?
I am very against this kind of attitude because my TKD coach also used to be like that. Very aggressive and belligerent, always want to make trouble and cannot get along with anybody. In the S'pore TKD Federation, he dunno quarrel with how many people, even woman also he quarrel. Somemore in some demo match he go and kick the woman figher's head and make her KO, and still can feel very proud about it and boast to us. I got very sick and tired of his attitude, he's not a sportsman, even though his skill is good and he's my coach, he's just a chow ah beng.
No social skills one, but he's a construction worker so I can understand. He can fight, but I don't respect his character at all, although he has trained a SEA games gold medalist. I don't think he understand the meaning of sportsmanship. Good thing not many of his students adopt his attitude.
E.g. I like painting, and have been doing it for years. There was this guy I've known for years who's been practicing painting too. He's actually not very good, but he's very passionate in what he does and it makes him happy and he has experienced personal growth with his painting, and he keeps getting better. I don't consider him a loser, I respect him for his tenacity and passion.
Normally people don't dislike you because you're doing well or you've won tournaments or you're good etc. That sounds just like what Americans say when people dislike them. Oh..they're jealous of our freedoms, our greatness, our power, our great country, etc. But we know that's not the reason. We dislike them because they're rude, arrogant, pompous and insensitive. Same goes with people. Sakuraba beat Gracie, yet look at how humble he is in victory. I'm sure there is no bad blood between them, and I'm sure the Gracies respect him very much as a fighter and as a person, and not dislike him because he's good.
When we lose a match, we say judges kelong, not fair, etc. This is really not sportsmanship. This is a very loser attitude. Look at the Thais. They go to china to fight, the chinese govt. rigs the fight by making them wear elbow pads and modifying the rules to favour the sanda fighters. Does the muay thai guy complain? No, he just takes it at that and proceeds to do his best in the ring. That, to me, is the ultimate courage and sportsmanship. They don't argue over every little detail, they just go in and do their best, and they end up kicking everybody's butt anyway. Outside the ring they are humble, courteous and there's no bad blood.
If all the products of this Darren's gym are like this, I think I'll just give it a pass. Sigh...is it so hard to find a good instructor here in S'pore.
You make some good points here. I apologize on behalf of "Darren's guys" if we came across as such "products."
Let me share with you briefly how it's been. I've know Darren since 2002 and as the rest have said, he's not very well-liked by the others in the community. Why? I have no idea but as the rest have suggested, could be due to his "relaxed" philosophy when it comes to student-teacher relations, could be due to his success, or it could be that they viewed him as a threat because of his skills (imagine if you were a ranked BJJ exponent who knew you were nowhere near him in skill), etc. As a student and a friend, it is definitely not due to his attitude. Darren goes out of his way to help his students and fellow instructors in any way he can. He let a Kyokushin-karateka to teach in his school when he wanted to start out, helping him market his classes in his advertisements, asking only that he pay for utilities.
As a result of being, in a sense, an "outcast", he gets funny calls challenging him to fights only not to turn up (Jason challenged Darren to a fight but backed down - this was back in 2003), the school does not get invited to tournaments until the very last minute (leaving us no time to train - but we still win anyway), and if you looked at the internet forums before, he's always been bad-mouthed. However, through all these, he's managed to persevere and now that his students are numerous enough to defend him online, we seem to have reversed roles on the surface. But you must understand that whatever shit gets thrown at Darren, is shit thrown at us too and we're tired of it. Darren doesn't control us and doesn't condone all this. If you think we're dirty, you should've seen what they were doing.
I have had personal experience with this Chinatown instructor so my view is biased. If any of you wish to learn BJJ/grappling, all these schools offer trial lessons. The best judge of anything is yourself so my suggestion would be to try out each and everyone of these schools, and then decide for yourself.
Schools that I know of would be: MMA Academy, Jason's Machado school, Kon's Kreation Jiu-jitsu, Chris DeWett's Contact Kinetics and perhaps Budo Academy (although this could be Kon's too).
Google the schools, I'm too lazy to post the adds. As for your comments about Darren's fighters not being his products, his fighters are his fighters. The best examples would be his two best fighters: Bruce and Cain. The overseas students only form a very small portion and they're usually just visiting. The student who competed in NAGA was a judo exponent who learnt his groundwork from Darren, a Singaporean.
Alright, enough nonsense. Good luck to whoever's searching for a school. Gotta get ready for training.

Btw, NoRiceBoys, if you're ever interested in checking out Darren's school, drop me a PM. I'll be glad to show you around.