Hi Newage,
Not to brag My Friend, But i have travelled extensively to many places & have only seen (what you would term) "Ling Kong Jing" only Once.
I have visited indonesia,china, and most other asian countries and visited masters claming to have mastered this skill (Trust Me

,and one thing i have discovered is most are liars & conmen looking for fame/recognition.
I encountered Pencak Silat Gurus,Gong-Fu Shifu, All who said they could move Me without touch, make Me feel heat, ETC, Nothing happened.
Most of the time they ended up saying i wasnt sensitive enough to the energy or some other Lame excuse.
Some even had the Hide to say i would be internally injured,so they had the students demonstrate instead.
What followed were some of funniest & most ridiculous events i have ever witnessed to Date.
Most of the teacher in Singapore are not real Qigong master. And the students that follow them are usually very weak minded & their want of supernatural power blinds them to the reality of the situation.
These recent taichi demonstrations "By Very Well Known Masters !!!" where the students Begin JUMPING & BOUNCING all over the place are aslo complete utter nonsense & the masters should be banned from teaching.
I dont know why these students contunue deceiveing & deluding themselfs following this garbage.
Do i believe in chi & LKJ,of course i do. But the real thing is not very easy to come by thats all.
Good luck & if You really know a master in this field then you are truly Blessed