Hi there,
This Grappling Tournament is opened to any style of martial arts styles, which consist of grappling. Yes , Judokas can also take part in this event. We are hoping and inviting Judokas from different Schools to take part.
This competition is opened to members of the public for free of charge so do come down to see such an exticing competition going on.
The Rules will be regulated by
International Brazilian Jiujitsu Rules -
BJJ -5 minutes ( White Belt ) x 1 Round
BJJ - 6 minutes ( Blue Belt ) x 1 Round
Grappling - 3 minutes x 1 Round ( No Gi )
Weight : - 66kg - 77kg- 88kg - open weight
$40 for 1 Category
$50 for 2 Categories
You can speak to Benjo, our competition Representive for any informantion or competition details.