From 1985-1986 Mark Stewart began learning WC in Grand Rapids, Michigan under Sifu Sam Chan. (Wong Shun Leung Lineage) In 1986 he moved to California where he began to train with Sifu Randy Williams. (George Yau/Augustine Fong Lineage) Mark Stewart continued to train with Randy until 1991. Mark Stewart also trained in “Modified Wing Chun or Non-Classical Gung Fu” under Sifu Ted Lucaylucay from 1987 -1996. (Jun Fan Gung Fu) In 1997 Mark Stewart began to train with Sifu Ted Wong in Bruce Lee’s Jeet Kune Do and facets of Jun Fan Gung Fu until the unexpected passing of Sifu Wong on November 24th, 2010. In January of 2011.
Non-Classical Wing Chun does not utilize the traditional forms (hand sets) but does utilize Chi Sao “sticking hands”, Wooden Dummy training and other structures, principles, strategy, tactics tools and techniques of Wing Chun, Jun Fan Gung Fu and facets of JKD
If anyone is interested in learning about NCWC please contact me at
Thank You
Starts this Saturday 12pm-1:30pm @ 38 Carpenter St. #03-01 (Clark Quay) Must email appoinitment to attend.