Okay, I know most days I am not moving enough and am sitting too much, typing and surfing the web on my computer. So this "walkstation" designed by Dr. James Levine of the Mayo Clinic and Steelcase, the office furniture maker, could be the future if we don't want to be bunch of obese desk dwellers hunched over our keyboards day in, day out.
It's not so far-fetched when you think of all the treadmills with TVs that get snatched up first at the gym. But I have always had a tough time reading while walking or, gasp, running, on a treadmill. I can't envision getting actual work done. Writing emails or blog posts seems a stretch but surfing the web and reading possible.
But Levine designed it for walking slowly because, he says, even just walking 1 mph can increase energy and burn calories. The idea is any kind of movement is better than no movement.
At $6,500 each, I can't see this in many bloggers' budgets or homes, but if companies were to build them into office gyms, they might get some play.
Good idea or not realistic? Chime in. If you're in New York on Oct. 25, there will be an all-day demo of the Walkstation at 4 Columbus Circle.