If you read the article, you would understand why. There are certain meanings inherent in the original Hebrew which become lost when translated into english or greek.Originally posted by laoda99:Then Chinese cannot call him Ye1 Su1?
Koreans cannot call him Yasumin?
Just by those two alone, are they not closer to Yeshua than jesus? How come english got it so wrong?Originally posted by laoda99:Then Chinese cannot call him Ye1 Su1?
Koreans cannot call him Yasumin?
If you can, most certainly! That is why many believers are studying hebrew so that they can understand the scriptures in its original language and in the context in which they were written.Originally posted by laoda99:In that case, better not use English Alphabets.
Write in hebraic script better.
Then might as well do everything in hebrew.Originally posted by breytonhartge:If you can, most certainly! That is why many believers are studying hebrew so that they can understand the scriptures in its original language and in the context in which they were written.
Much is lost in translation. Even when you read a book or any writing, it is always best read in its original lanugage because it is impossible to translate it in the exact meaning and emotion and spirit in which it was written.
your bible was first written in hebrew... if you had an understanding of the language you would not degrade it the way you are doing now. In a way it is very similar to chinese, where the meaning of a word can be condensed. If you have an appreciation for chinese (mandrin) you will have an appreciation for hebrew.Originally posted by laoda99:Then might as well do everything in hebrew.
Pray in Hebrew, just like muslims must pray in the prophet's original language.
Originally posted by breytonhartge:your bible was first written in hebrew... if you had an understanding of the language you would not degrade it the way you are doing now. In a way it is very similar to chinese, where the meaning of a word can be condensed. If you have an appreciation for chinese (mandrin) you will have an appreciation for hebrew.
For your information the whole world was formed by the word of Yahweh, hebrew is the language spoken by Yahweh's chosen nation... and we are grafted into that nation. If you are a foreginer in a different land, what do you do in order to enable you to communicate better with the locals and understand them? you pick up their language and their culture...
By not wanting to understand hebrew, you miss out on so many or the naunces and meanings behind the bible. Why? because the translation process is always filled with errors.
If hebrew was not that curcial to the understanding of the word of Yahweh, why are so many scholars today learning hebrew?
and if the website you posted on is to be believed, then why do you still tithe? for that matter, almost all churches today are doing the wrong thing by tithing and collecting the tithe... so we should abolish tithing altogether and see how many people give of their own free will to support the church.Originally posted by Chin Eng:Another view of Wildbranch Ministry's Brad Scott.
please explain by getting technical? thanks.Originally posted by M©+square:This is getting alittle technical.
Basically, the names/title i call matters only because of my relation i have with the other party.
That's my opinion.
the other point being that why in some 108 different languages, when the name of Yeshua is translated it still sounds very similar to Yeshua, but english is the only language that is so far off?Originally posted by Chin Eng:If this Wildbranch ministry is to be believed, it is another one of those myopic Americanised church with a very low tolerance of the rest of the world. No differences from the American politics. Sure anyone can come up with various justifications and reasons. I can also give a thousand and one reasons as to why I do or do not do some things, and even throw a couple of scriptures into the process....
Point is.... the number of non-English speaking believers in the world are in the millions, and I don't think they or God cares about whether the original Hebrew names are used or not.
When i call my father 'Dad'.Originally posted by breytonhartge:please explain by getting technical? thanks.
oh, so hebrew is now the exclusive language of god?Originally posted by breytonhartge:If you read the article, you would understand why. There are certain meanings inherent in the original Hebrew which become lost when translated into english or greek.
The oldest language in the universe is not hebrew. Its sanskrit.Originally posted by breytonhartge:your bible was first written in hebrew... if you had an understanding of the language you would not degrade it the way you are doing now. In a way it is very similar to chinese, where the meaning of a word can be condensed. If you have an appreciation for chinese (mandrin) you will have an appreciation for hebrew.
For your information the whole world was formed by the word of Yahweh, hebrew is the language spoken by Yahweh's chosen nation... and we are grafted into that nation. If you are a foreginer in a different land, what do you do in order to enable you to communicate better with the locals and understand them? you pick up their language and their culture...
By not wanting to understand hebrew, you miss out on so many or the naunces and meanings behind the bible. Why? because the translation process is always filled with errors.
If hebrew was not that curcial to the understanding of the word of Yahweh, why are so many scholars today learning hebrew?
and I can respect that. Thank you for sharing. Thanks also for respecting my opinion when i posted it.Originally posted by M©+square:When i call my father 'Dad'.
I don't have to go find out what are the origin of that word to learn and realise the importance, or the depth of that word.
Well nothing wrong if anyone wish to go find out more about the significance of it, if it'll bring to greater revelation to the person himself.
Why not?
By technical, i mean.
Doing studies and further attain knowledge, however IF(emphasis) it becomes a chore, a drag. IT is technical.
Not that i'm discouraging it. I mean it's great to read up on the Hebrew origin. But if these teachings doesn't enrich a believer's life onto God.
Then to me, these are mere words which bears no relation to God.
I understand that you may have your personal revelation on it, therefore held strongly on your opinion.
Just like if my preferance is calling Father/Dad.
And I just don't get the connection when i say 'Abba'
Even though i know the depth and riches of truth of certain words/terms and meanings.
Just doesn't make sense if my expressions are filled with words which i can't be convinced to use or express with.
My way to intimate communication with God is no other than... MY WAY.
could well be...could well be... just MHO.Originally posted by shade343:oh, so hebrew is now the exclusive language of god?![]()
really?Originally posted by shade343:The oldest language in the universe is not hebrew. Its sanskrit.
Im sorry, but hebrew is not the oldest language. Its sanskrit.Originally posted by breytonhartge:could well be...could well be... just MHO.
interesting article, thanks ah lau!Originally posted by laurence82: