Differences in phonetics in various languages? Evolution of languages through the ages? Different enunciation? Pick one... or pick all...Originally posted by breytonhartge:if you want to take exactness then none are exact. would you call me arrogant for saying this?
In translation, the normal course of things is to get it as close to the original as possible. In english we could have gotten it very close to the original, yet we did not. How come?
we've both made out points.. lets just leave it here... between you and me we will keep going round and round...keke... sometimes I get dizzy...Originally posted by Chin Eng:Differences in phonetics in various languages? Evolution of languages through the ages? Different enunciation? Pick one... or pick all...
Again how close is close? Who measures it?
To me, as long as when someone utters Jesus, there is no mistake in who is being referred to.
I am not stuck with issues of how exact one views the commands of scripture. You have been saying all along, using various examples, how how exact we are to follow the commands of God. Yet you are happy with Ye1 Su1 but not Jesus (and I still don't know why)Originally posted by breytonhartge:we've both made out points.. lets just leave it here... between you and me we will keep going round and round...keke... sometimes I get dizzy...
if you want to be close, then the question becomes how pedantic do you wanna be?![]()
maybe I am pedantic, but knowing Yeshua makes more sense to me somehow... surely I can be entitled to this opinion especially in my own forum?Originally posted by Chin Eng:I am not stuck with issues of how exact one views the commands of scripture. You have been saying all along, using various examples, how how exact we are to follow the commands of God. Yet you are happy with Ye1 Su1 but not Jesus (and I still don't know why)
So far, seems I am not the one to be pedantic, how else have I been labelled the term nonchalant about God.
... and all I ask from you is this.... don't insist that it is wrong to use the name Jesus because anyone you speak to will know who you are referring to.
This being the case, Ye1 Su1 has not meaning either. You need to be a more consistent here, personal opinion or otherwise.Originally posted by breytonhartge:maybe I am pedantic, but knowing Yeshua makes more sense to me somehow... surely I can be entitled to this opinion especially in my own forum?Yeshua means saviour, Jesus has no meaning except that it was a translation or transliteration...
CE will always be CE, (and you likewise). If I have been seen nonchalant somewhere, it is likely that I also seen to be nonchalant here. Isn't it?Originally posted by breytonhartge:but don't bring the nonchalant thing in here... it is with regards to keeping the shabbat that I made that comment and totally outside this discussion...
not necessarily...Originally posted by Chin Eng:CE will always be CE, (and you likewise). If I have been seen nonchalant somewhere, it is likely that I also seen to be nonchalant here. Isn't it?
aaa!!! thought you stop already???? no need lah!!!!Originally posted by laoda99:Acknowledge Yahshua not Jesus!
Or u be a Goat!
It is Yahshua not Yeshua. Dun anyhow spell. Not one stroke of the LAW has passed, and u all better stop celebrating Christmas and Easter!!!
on the point of easter and christmas, yes you had better! Yahweh does not need to assimilate other pagan religions and cultures to celebrate as His own is our Yahweh so unoriginal as that? I think not. The 40 days of lent, do you know their origins? The easter egg... do you know why some chruches only let you paint them in one colour blood red? Do you know who else has his birthdate on the 25th of Dec?Originally posted by laoda99:Acknowledge Yahshua not Jesus!
Or u be a Goat!
It is Yahshua not Yeshua. Dun anyhow spell. Not one stroke of the LAW has passed, and u all better stop celebrating Christmas and Easter!!!
so childish...Originally posted by laoda99:Tsk Tsk...
U all dun even know the difference between Yeshua and Yahshua and Joshua and Jesus.
Only Yahshua is Christ while the others are manifestations of Apollo, Zeus and other pagan gods.
Believe in Yahshua and get saved. Wrong spelling or deliberate transliteration will send u to HELL!!!! If u can't even spell Yahshua u are a goat and not his sheep.
Yes!!! Only those who are like child will enter the kingdom of Yahshuah...Originally posted by breytonhartge:so childish...![]()
YES The Church has earned so much money from Christmas and Santa Claus....Originally posted by breytonhartge:on the point of easter and christmas, yes you had better! Yahweh does not need to assimilate other pagan religions and cultures to celebrate as His own is our Yahweh so unoriginal as that? I think not. The 40 days of lent, do you know their origins? The easter egg... do you know why some chruches only let you paint them in one colour blood red? Do you know who else has his birthdate on the 25th of Dec?
Seriously what does christmas do except make people spend a lot of money??It has been so commercialized and the church has capitalized on it!
Originally posted by laoda99:YES The Church has earned so much money from Christmas and Santa Claus....
The correct festival to earn money is the Passover...
So repent u all!!! The kingdom of God is near!
Errr? How did the church capitalized on it? Got toy sale? If you are referring to the offering, well let's assume that now we know that the birth of Christ is not 25 Dec but another date, say, a date that agree with you, the church will still collect offering.Originally posted by breytonhartge:Seriously what does christmas do except make people spend a lot of money??It has been so commercialized and the church has capitalized on it!
lets pray that if the real birth date of Yeshua is known, it will not be commercialized...Originally posted by Chin Eng:Errr? How did the church capitalized on it? Got toy sale? If you are referring to the offering, well let's assume that now we know that the birth of Christ is not 25 Dec but another date, say, a date that agree with you, the church will still collect offering.
So please explain how the church capitalized on Christmas (and Easter).....
Going back to the supposed real date of birth of Christ (assuming you can find one).... you think it will not be commercialized? and that money will not be spent?
woah. Christmas is celebrated as the birth of My Lord. I know that 25th December isnt the actual day, but does it matter? Isn;t it wads inside that's important?Originally posted by breytonhartge:on the point of easter and christmas, yes you had better! Yahweh does not need to assimilate other pagan religions and cultures to celebrate as His own is our Yahweh so unoriginal as that? I think not. The 40 days of lent, do you know their origins? The easter egg... do you know why some chruches only let you paint them in one colour blood red? Do you know who else has his birthdate on the 25th of Dec?
Seriously what does christmas do except make people spend a lot of money??It has been so commercialized and the church has capitalized on it!
ben did you know that Dec 25 is the birth date of the sun god tamuz? and that of a few other pagan gods? Think about it when is the 25 of dec? in the middle of winter...and it says that when Yeshua was born, the shepherds were tending sheep in the field, that could not have been in dec... many sources put his birth in late sept to oct...Originally posted by ben1xy:woah. Christmas is celebrated as the birth of My Lord. I know that 25th December isnt the actual day, but does it matter? Isn;t it wads inside that's important?
Easter is the Resurrection of My Lord and during the season of Lent, I reflect and prepare for Easter? Is all this wrong? I am doing it out of the love i have for My Lord. Yes maybe the dates are not accurate but can't we try and relive all these major events?
What about Christmas being commercialised? In my family, Christmas is a time where we all get together for a meal, say Grace as a family, enjoy a nice dinner and proceed to Mass to worship our Lord. Does it matter whether it falls on 25th Dec or 5th of MArch, isn't the attitude of worship more important?
I am sure u have European friends. all of my European friends look forward to Christmas as a time to get together with the family. How can this attitude of Love be bad or harmful?
Originally posted by breytonhartge:Erm brey ah.. u r missing my point. anyway, abt the above things u mentioned, yes i've heard it all before (i have some friends doing their MAsters of Theology here ... and they keep bombarding me with these things they learnt) My contest lies in the meaning we attached to these days.
ben did you know that Dec 25 is the birth date of the sun god tamuz? and that of a few other pagan gods? Think about it when is the 25 of dec? in the middle of winter...and it says that when Yeshua was born, the shepherds were tending sheep in the field, that could not have been in dec... many sources put his birth in late sept to oct...
christmas... It means "mass of Christ," and has its origins in the practices of the Roman Catholic Church. [b]Yet even Catholic sources acknowledge that Christmas was not among the earliest festivals of the church, and that it does not have apostolic origins. Notice: "Christmas (i.e. the Mass of Christ), in the Christian Church, the festival of the nativity of Jesus Christ… As late as 245 Origen, in his eighth homily on Leviticus, repudiates as sinful the very idea of keeping the birthday of Christ ‘as if he were a king Pharaoh.’ The first certain mention of Dec. 25 is in a Latin chronographer of A.D. 354, first published entire by Mommsen.… [December 25 was] a Mithraic feast and is by the chronographer above referred to, but in another part of his compilation, termed natalis invicti solis, or birthday of the unconquered Sun" (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th ed., article: "Christmas").
When the early Roman Church established a festival to celebrate the Messiah’s birth, it timed that festival to coincide with an existing pagan festival celebrating the birthday of the sun god. By co-opting existing pagan rituals and customs, the church sought to win the pagan masses to its idea of Christianity, allowing converts to continue to practice familiar customs—just calling them by different names.
Go and read Jeremiah 10.
Do you know how the tradition of decorating a christmas tree came about? in olden times they used to sacrifice children and hang their entrails around the tree... very much like putting streamers and baubles... knowing all this I now have a very diffent picture...
Think about credit card debt... runs very high for christmas... i used to get stuck in that... I am glad to hear that your family enjoys the holiday season together... shalom!
I will post whole articles up soon...if you are intersted please read them and decide for yourself.[/b]
i understand where you are at, i used to be there, but somehow something in my brain just changed and I cannot see things the same anymore... the other thing I have is that the world that we live in is not just the physical, but also spiritual. That is what I am contending... could ha sa tan decieved the church in this way?Originally posted by ben1xy:Erm brey ah.. u r missing my point. anyway, abt the above things u mentioned, yes i've heard it all before (i have some friends doing their MAsters of Theology here ... and they keep bombarding me with these things they learnt) My contest lies in the meaning we attached to these days.
I am sure if u look into history, on the 25th of december... there would have been suicides, killings and even more atrocities. but this doesn't matter to me, neither does it take away the value of it. coz the bottom line is .. i am juz celebrating the birth of my Lord. i know that it wasn't his exact birthday, but as long as i celebrate in the correct spirit, does it really matter?
when i set up my Christmas tree, i dun think of entrails. i think of how to make it look good and how to set up the presents nicely and i look forward to the smile of the recipients of these presents. and that is all that matters.
i agree with the spiritual part. but the others... hahaa, it's hard to see it from ur POV lahOriginally posted by breytonhartge:i understand where you are at, i used to be there, but somehow something in my brain just changed and I cannot see things the same anymore... the other thing I have is that the world that we live in is not just the physical, but also spiritual. That is what I am contending... could ha sa tan decieved the church in this way?
Me too. Now I dun celebrate Christmas and Easter. Satan is a big liar!!!Originally posted by breytonhartge:i understand where you are at, i used to be there, but somehow something in my brain just changed and I cannot see things the same anymore... the other thing I have is that the world that we live in is not just the physical, but also spiritual. That is what I am contending... could ha sa tan decieved the church in this way?
Originally posted by laoda99:Me too. Now I dun celebrate Christmas and Easter. Satan is a big liar!!!
So u guys better stop too......if not u will lose ur salvation!!!!