Part 3 The torah explained...
Look at this prophetic word in Isaiah 66 about the End Times. In the New King James English Bible it is entitled: True worship and false
"For by fire and by his sword the Lord will judge all flesh; and the slain of the Lord will be many. Those who sanctify themselves and purify themselves to go to the gardens after an idol in the midst, eating swine's flesh and the abomination and the mouse, shall be consumed together," says the Lord.
Here the Word is clearly connecting idolatrous practices with the eating of unclean animals. It is very revealing that Y'shua cast the demons out of the demoniac from Gadarenes into a herd of pigs. Why did He not choose sheep or goats for that? He always intended for pigs and all unclean animals to serve the purpose of 'garbage collectors', both spiritual and physical. They all eat garbage or rotten flesh. You and I are children of the King of Kings and we deserve a lot better than this!
To sanctify, means to make it holy for holy use! Have you ever thought that you are holy? You and I are the very Temple of the Holy Spirit, so Elohim intends even your food to be holy, you children to be holy, your finances to be holy? The Holy Lifestyle is the lifestyle of the blessing!
"And a highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called The way of holiness; the unclean shall not pass over it, but it shall be for others. Whoever walks the road though a fool shall not go astray." Isaiah 35:8
This Scripture tells us that anyone that wants to walk in obedience to the Blessing, the way of the Holy Commandments, the way of Torah as revealed by the Spirit. Anyone can do it, you don't have to be a super person! The Holy Spirit has come for this very purpose to help us walk in the Way of the Blessing, that is the Highway of Holiness!
I am completely aware that when you decide to enter into the Blessing of Abraham in its fullness you have some choices to make, some decisions to take that is why YAH said to the people of Israel:
"I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live." Deuteronomy 30:19
It is all about life and blessing, abundant life and that is what YAHVEH intended when He gave the commandments to Israel and when He walked the earth in the form of Messiah Y'shua and when He sent the Holy Spirit to write the Torah in our hearts and to help us interpret it. May this life and blessing, health and prosperity be yours as you restore to you and to your family that which the devil has stolen and lied about for so long
The Torah interpreted by the Ruach, the Spirit of Elohim.
AN IMPORTANT DELIVERANCE PRAYERDear Father in Heaven, thank you for being all good and wanting to bless me in every are of my life. Forgive me for not fully believing in your goodness and for wrongly thinking that you holy instructions, called Torah were to put me in bondage or to steal my salvation 'freedom'. I understand today that true freedom is to be healthy, holy and blessed and that you have given to me instructions in your Holy Hebrew Scripture that can teach me the lifestyle of the Blessing. Please keep on revealing this subject to me. I also renounce any addiction I may have to unclean animals including pork and shellfish. I only want to be addicted to you and to you Word. So I break the power of any addiction and I am willing to let you write your Torah completely in my heart. I renounce all unnecessary fear and I bind every spirit of fear that I have had concerning the Torah and I ask the Holy Spirit to teach it to me now. In Y'shua's name I pray.
© Bishop Dr Dominiquae Bierman 2005 - Permission is granted (and we encourage you) to distribute these writings. You may reprint in hard copy form, send to your e-mail lists and post them on your website. You must not alter any writings and you must keep all the author information on the writings, including the following: Kad-Esh MAP Ministries, This copyright notice must also remain. For all other permissions and enquires including publishing, please contact
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