YHVH Rohi - The Lord, My Shepherd (Psalms 23:1)
Although Israel learned to magnify the Lord for life, healing, victory,
holiness, peace, and protection, they were still pilgrims, and they
were in dire need of divine provision in their wilderness journey with
all its weariness, physical needs, duties, dangers and difficulties.
Thus, there came the revelation of God as their YHVH Rohi, the One
whose Shepherd's love, care, and resources they could depend upon in
all the un-trodden and unknown pathways of the future.
Thus the Lord is the feeder to provide for us, keeper to protect us,
companion to cheer us, friend to help us, pastor to comfort us, and
herdsman near to us, as His frequent revelations prove.
Psalms 23 contains eight redemptive names of YHVH:
1) YHVH Rohi - "Jehovah is my shepherd...." (Psalms 23:1)
2) YHVH Jireh - "I shall not want." (Psalms 23:1)
3) YHVH Shalom - The Lord is my peace. (Psalms 23:2) "He makes me to
lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters."
4) Jehovah Rophi - The Lord, my healer. (Psalms 23:3) "He restores my
5) YHVH Tsidkenu - The Lord is righteousness. (Psalms 23:3) "He
leadeth me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake."
6) YHVH Nissi - The Lord is my banner. (Psalms 23:5) "He prepares a
table before me in the presence of my enemies."
7) YHVH M'Kaddesh - The Lord my sanctifier. (Psalms 23:5) "He anoints
my head with oil."
8 ) YHVH Shammah - The Lord is there. (Psalms 23:4) "...thou art with
YHVH Jireh - The Lord Will Provide (Genesis 22:14)
The definition of this term is "The Lord will see" or "The Lord will
provide". For man, this conjunctive meaning seems impossible. However,
for the all knowing God of creation, the dual meaning is easily
His pre-vision means His pro-vision. That was Abraham's revelation
given to the place where He found the ram provided as a substitute for
Isaac. This miracle was not of a normal significance; but rather it was
a creative miracle by God for the sacrifice, in the same sense that the
Lord created a body through the miraculous conception for the
substitute sacrifice for man.
As Elohim, God demanded the sacrifice of Isaac, but as YHVH He made
complete provision of a substitute for the son Abraham willingly
offered. The place of this miracle is important. It is the first
recorded instance in scripture of the naming of a place after a divine
interposition or manifestation.
YHVH Tsidkenu - The Lord Our Righteousness (Jeremiah 33:16)
In the Old Testament, there is evident revelation of Israel as being a
nation seeking after righteousness. Yet in their passionate desire for
righteousness, the people discovered their own unrighteousness.
Therefore, we become people who seek after purity of heart, so we can
enjoy communion with God. "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall
see God." (Matthew 5:8 )
The Greeks sought after wisdom, and the Romans pursued power and world
dominion; but today there is a remnant of God's chosen people who seek
after God and His righteousness.
To the glory of the gospel, is that YHVH Tsidkenu became flesh and was
made unto us righteousness. (1 Corinthians 1:30) A righteous God
pronounced death as the penalty of sin--yet that same God became flesh,
the righteous branch, to taste death for every sinner and to provide
the righteousness that is transferred or imputed to the believer and is
thereby accepted before God. Acceptable righteousness; therefore, is
not attained but obtained.
YHVH Shalom - The Lord Our Peace
The word "Peace", and words directly related to it, appear over 400
times in scripture. It is one of the most precious and fundamentally
essential ingredients for a believer to be at peace with God and know
the peace of God. It relates to a harmonious relationship obtained
through reconciliation of a debt paid in full. Peace or "Shalom" is
often translated--welfare, good health, prosperity, favor, rest whole,
finished, restitution or repay and perfect.
YHVH Rophi - The Lord Our Physician (Exodus 15:26)
From Israel, we learn that in times of sickness God heals, for He is
our YHVH Rophi, "I am Jehovah thy healer". To express God's grace in
restoring spirit life, He declared that He healed all of our diseases,
spiritual as well as physical. (Psalms 103:3)
He also heals the broken in heart (Psalms 147:3), and for those who are
backsliding, He is their healer as well (Jeremiah 3:22). The scriptures
also clearly indicate the removal of bodily infirmity (Genesis 20:17;
Matthew 4:23).
YHVH Nissi - The Lord Our Banner (Exodus 17:15-16)
Moses took care that God should have the glory for the victory over
Amalek. Instead of setting up a trophy in the honor of Joshua (though
it had been a standard policy to put marks of honor upon men), he built
an altar to God's honor. What is most carefully recorded is the
inscription upon the altar, YHVH-Nissi - The Lord my Banner. The
presence and power of YHVH were the banner under which they were
enlisted, and the banner by which they were kept together.
YHVH Nissi in literal Hebrew means "A hand upon the throne of YHVH".
YHVH will have war with Amalek from generation to generation. Amalek's
hand had dared to assault YHVH's throne to overturn it, so He gave
Israel the authority and power of that throne to overwhelm Amalek. The
uplifted hands of Moses symbolized this banner. Here we have an
illustration of the hand of faith outstretched in prayer.
YHVH M'Kaddesh - The Lord Who Sanctifies (Exodus 31:13
The term holiness is from the Hebrew word "Kodesh" and is allied to
"sanctify". It is translated as dedicate, consecrate, hallow, and holy
in various translations. "I am YHVH M'Kaddesh - The Lord who sanctifies
you". This term's main influence relates to moral and spiritual purity.
In the New Testament, many scriptures relate to the process of
sanctification, the sum of which are provided to the church through the
atoning work of YESHUA:
SANCTIFIED By Truth (John 15:3; 17:17)
SANCTIFIED By the Blood (Hebrews 13:12)
SANCTIFIED By Faith (Acts 26:18 )
SANCTIFIED By Prayer (I Timothy 4:5)
YHVH Tsebahoth - The Lord of Hosts (I Samuel 1:3)
This term in Hebrew is taken from sabaoth, meaning host or hosts, with
special reference to warfare or service, and the word often appears as
the Lord of Hosts. This Hebrew term has also rendered armies. This
reference for YHVH appears 14 times in the book of Haggai and 24 times
in the book of Malachi.