On reading about keeping Shabbat, I came across an article by a pastor in Kenya.
Here are some exerpts of his thoughts, which I thought were interesting...
-"Most of the people that I know who attend a Sunday church do not keep any day holy to the Lord. They merely attend morning services and then do whatever secular activities they want the rest of the day."
-On the Sabbath, you don't have to invite Him, for His presence is already there, and it is He who is inviting you to join Him.
-I believe the sad truth is,- most Christians don't want to spend an entire day devoted to spiritual things. That is too long for them. After attending morning services they feel their "obligation" to God is fulfilled, so they are free to do the secular things which their hearts were already set on. That is why so many will not accept Sabbath observance. They don't see the value of having time for the spiritual things of God because their hearts and minds are on the natural things of this world. They see Sabbath observance as a curse and a burden rather than a blessing and a delight
If you want to read the full article, go here :
You Keep Sabbath, We Keep Sunday