and what do you have to give proof that the story of Adam and Eve is a metaphor?Originally posted by shade343:Humans were both created and evolved. God Created the first humans ,which is not Adam and Eve, and we evolved from there onwards.
And the stroy of Adam and Eve is a metaphor. Im not sure why some people love to take things at face value.
it was the whole booklet... very interesting read...Originally posted by vince69:went for dinner, and this .... too much to read ... will have to wait until have time then revisit these again...![]()
Hi breytonhartge,Originally posted by breytonhartge:Evolution: Fact or Fiction?
"Entrenched positions, for and against, were established in high places, and insults lobbed like mortar bombs from either side. Meanwhile the doctrine of Divine creation, assumed by most scientists to have been relegated long ago to the pulpits of obscure fundamentalist sects, swept back into the classrooms of American schools. Darwinism is under assault on many fronts" (The Neck of the Giraffe, 1982, p. 7).
Why the confusion and contention? Simply put, as we saw with the fossil record, the increasing scientific evidence doesn't fit the Darwinist model-and evolutionists increasingly are finding themselves on the defensive.
How has this come about? It has happened mainly because the primary supposed proofs of the theory have not held up to further discovery and scrutiny.
What about natural selection?
After the fossil record, the second supposed proof of evolution offered by Darwinists is natural selection, which they hoped biologists would confirm. "Just as the breeders selected those individuals best suited to the breeder's needs to be the parents of the next generation," explained British philosopher Tom Bethell, "so, Darwin argued, nature selected those organisms that were best fitted to survive the struggle for existence. In that way evolution would inevitably occur. And so there it was: a sort of improving machine inevitably at work in nature, 'daily and hourly scrutinizing,' Darwin wrote, 'silently and insensibly working . . . at the improvement of each organic being.'
"In this way, Darwin thought, one type of organism could be transformed into another -for instance, he suggested, bears into whales. So that was how we came to have horses and tigers and things-by natural selection" (Tom Bethell, "Darwin's Mistake," The Craft of Prose, Robert Woodward and Wendell Smith, editors, 1977, p. 309).
Darwin saw natural selection as the major factor driving evolutionary change. But how has this second pillar of evolutionary theory fared since Darwin's day? In truth, it has been quietly discarded by an increasing number of theorists among the scientific community.
Darwin's idea that the survival of the fittest would explain how species evolved has been relegated to a redundant, self-evident statement.
Geneticist Conrad Waddington of Edinburgh University defines the fundamental problem of advocating natural selection as a proof of Darwinism: "Natural selection, . . . turns out on closer inspection to be a tautology, a statement of an inevitable although previously unrecognized relation. It states that the fittest individuals in a population ... will leave most offspring" (Bethell, p. 310).
In other words, what are the fittest? Why, those that survive, of course. And what survives? Why, naturally, the fittest. The problem is that circular reasoning doesn't point to any independent criteria that can evaluate whether the theory is true.
akan datang...Originally posted by kaister:+1 and still waiting for input![]()
The most part of this post is a complete article which must be read as a whole. Their quotes from prominent people are only used to substantiate their arguments.Originally posted by kaister:To be frank, a lot of these articles tend to be confusing and misleading. They quote passages from influential or prominent people and then insert their own, non-substantiated arguments inbetween. All these were done in hope of mixing the truths with non-truths, which I felt was not the right thing to do.
in what way is there logic failure??Originally posted by Herzog_Zwei:Now machiam got logic failure...![]()
ini failure of logic:Originally posted by breytonhartge:in what way is there logic failure??![]()
In regards to your circular argument on creationism, I do not think that it is a circular argument at all. Creationists agree on the one fact, we have a designer. So therefore if we do have a designer, ie Yahweh, our God, then if flows on that one would accept the truth of the bible. I think that there has been much in genesis that has been proven by archeological digs and finds... and yet more will be revealed.Originally posted by kaister:"In other words, what are the fittest? Why, those that survive, of course. And what survives? Why, naturally, the fittest. The problem is that circular reasoning doesn't point to any independent criteria that can evaluate whether the theory is true."
Take the above passage for example. It was based solely on the author's point of view, not supported and has shown lacking in understanding of evolution. Fittest is defined by the environment. Eg, a giraffe can survive well in the grass plains given its long neck and legs, allowing it to take full advantage of the environment it lives in. It had common ancestors as deers and cattles. Over time, prehistoric deers or cattles with longer necks are able to feed more on higher tree branches, giving them an reproductive advantage over the same species. This soon emerge as a new species, different from the original. Place the giraffe in a tropical forest and you'll find the opposite happening. The same phenomenon has been observed in Finches on the Galapagos, perfectly testable and repeatable.
As you can see, evolution does not uses circular arguments. If you want a good example of a circular argument, here's one - Creationism. When asked about who created all life, God will be given as an answer. And how do we know God exist? Cos' the bible said so. How do we know that the bible is true? Cos' the bible is a collection of God's words spoken through a chosen few. How can we test such a theory? We can't. How can we repeat creationism using scientific methods (repeating an experiment producing the same results is gold-standard for proving a theory)
Can you see that at least one can disprove evolution but you can't disprove creationism cos' of its circular argument?
Also, for the record, Darwinism did not gain popularity when it first came out. It lacked the mechanism by which evolution came about. However, with the discovery of DNA by Watson and Crick, that gap has been filled.
The rise of Darwinism was not because creationism was banned from schools. It was because of gradual acceptance of a theory by the public and scientific community that led to the discard of an older and out-dated theory.
I hope to hear your comments on this![]()
interesting point...Originally posted by Herzog_Zwei:ini failure of logic:
"As you can see, evolution does not uses circular arguments. If you want a good example of a circular argument, here's one - Creationism. When asked about who created all life, God will be given as an answer. And how do we know God exist? Cos' the bible said so. How do we know that the bible is true? Cos' the bible is a collection of God's words spoken through a chosen few. How can we test such a theory? We can't. How can we repeat creationism using scientific methods (repeating an experiment producing the same results is gold-standard for proving a theory)"
Since God is always taken as a Singularity. How do you reproduce a Singularity, you can't...
Here's an example with reference to the paragraphs above.Originally posted by breytonhartge:Geneticist Conrad Waddington of Edinburgh University defines the fundamental problem of advocating natural selection as a proof of Darwinism: "Natural selection, . . . turns out on closer inspection to be a tautology, a statement of an inevitable although previously unrecognized relation. It states that the fittest individuals in a population ... will leave most offspring" (Bethell, p. 310).
In other words, what are the fittest? Why, those that survive, of course. And what survives? Why, naturally, the fittest. The problem is that circular reasoning doesn't point to any independent criteria that can evaluate whether the theory is true.
Selection doesn't change species
Darwin cited an example of the way natural selection was supposed to work: A wolf that had inherited the ability to run especially fast was better equipped to survive. His advantage in outrunning others in the pack when food was scarce meant he could eat better and thus survive longer. Yet the very changes that enabled the wolf to run faster could easily become a hindrance if other modifications of the body did not accompany the increased speed. For example, the additional exertion required to run faster would naturally place an added strain on the animal's heart, and eventually it could drop from a heart attack. The survival of the fittest would require that any biological or anatomical alterations would have to be in harmony and synchronized with other bodily modifications, or the changes would be of no benefit.
Natural selection, scientists have found, in reality deals only with the number of species, not the change of the species. It has to do with the survival and not the arrival of the species. Natural selection only preserves existing genetic information (DNA); it doesn't create genetic material that would allow an animal to sprout a new organ, limb or some other anatomical feature.
"Natural selection," said professor Waddington, "is that some things leave more offspring than others; and you ask, which leave more offspring than others? And it is those that leave more offspring; and there is nothing more to it than that. The whole guts of evolution-which is, how do you come to have horses and tigers and things-is outside the mathematical theory [of neo-Darwinism]" (Wistar Symposium, Moorehead and Kaplan, 1967, p. 14).
If time is unlimited, the discussion would be more interesting..Originally posted by kaister:Here's an example with reference to the paragraphs above.
Paragraph 1: stating the foundations of evolution by using reference to add to the validity of the article. Not much to discuss.
Paragraph 2: I've already raised the issue of how fittest is defined, not as how the author preferred. Note also lack of reference when writing that paragraph about circular argument on evolution/fittest, as evident from the author's lacking on evolutionary knowledge.
Paragraph 3: Selection does not change species? See below.
Paragraph 4: Trying to give an example to prove a point. Ok.
Paragraph 5: Again, no reference/support and it's an untruth. The Author got this from somewhere in his head and conveniently left out any support. Mutation is the source of new genetic material but selection is the process where 1 species can spilt into 2. See the finches for example. One species with same beak length can become 2 sub-species when placed on different islands with different food sources. With time, they will become 2 distinct species.
Evolution is based on adaptation. Apparantly the author lacked that knowledge and claimed that evolution created nothing out of something. Look at whales. They have rudimentary hind-limbs which they do not use at all. It is a sign of adaptation and strong evidence of how whales descended from mammals.
Paragraph 6: Again, a good reference that only states how evolution works by having an organism leaving more off-springs. It does not support any of the views stated above.
Given the limitations of time, I can only give you this vivid example. There're plenty of such untruths sandwiched in between references that does not aid in the author's arguments throughout the articles I've read so far.
Just trying to set things straight![]()
If the creator can be proven with evidence other than a book, it would stand against criticisms. However, it has yet to do so.Originally posted by breytonhartge:In regards to your circular argument on creationism, I do not think that it is a circular argument at all. Creationists agree on the one fact, we have a designer. So therefore if we do have a designer, ie Yahweh, our God, then if flows on that one would accept the truth of the bible. I think that there has been much in genesis that has been proven by archeological digs and finds... and yet more will be revealed.
You see that's the common misunderstanding for evolution. Darwin wrote "Origins of species", not origins of life. Evolution attempts to explain how different species might came from a common ancestor through selection and mutation.Originally posted by breytonhartge:Yet even in science when they have tried to repeat the darwinian theory, have they succeeded in creating life? no. So what does that say about evolution? Based on natural selection, the human species should have evolved into something more akin to asexuality... we do not need another half to survive. Yet we do. So how strong can that be? Unless there was a designer who knew beforehand the way of people and designed male and female for a reason.
Heard of single stranded RNA viruses (SARS)? Heard of prions that comprises of only proteins but capable of replication (Mad-Cow's disease)? These are but a few examples that fills the gap you've stated. Simple organism that could have been how the primitive lifeforms started. Take a look at Miller's famous experiment:Originally posted by breytonhartge:DNA in and of itself does not even support evolution, sure it is that which contains the material necessary to encode "life" yet even mixing all the DNA in protein soup will not create a human being. Nor life for that matter. On the converse, we all know how complex the DNA strand and model postulated by Watson and Crick can be and the most certainly does not point to a random chance mutation to get the whole structure correct, it is a mathematical impossibility.
Hence can be considered a singularity event?Originally posted by kaister:Heard of single stranded RNA viruses (SARS)? Heard of prions that comprises of only proteins but capable of replication (Mad-Cow's disease)? These are but a few examples that fills the gap you've stated. Simple organism that could have been how the primitive lifeforms started. Take a look at Miller's famous experiment:
In the early 1950s Stanley L. Miller, working in the laboratory of Harold C. Urey at the University of Chicago, did the first experiment designed to clarify the chemical reactions that occurred on the primitive earth. In the flask at the bottom, he created an "ocean" of water, which he heated, forcing water vapor to circulate through the apparatus. The flask at the top contained an "atmosphere" consisting of methane (CH4), ammonia (NH3), hydrogen (H2) and the circulating water vapor.
Next he exposed the gases to a continuous electrical discharge (lightning), causing the gases to interact. Water-soluble products of those reactions then passed through a condenser and dissolved in the mock ocean. The experiment yielded many amino acids and enabled Miller to explain how they had formed.
Btw, mathematical impossibility it might be but note that evolution is not by chance as you propose. It is due to shaping by the existing environment and evolution merely selects the right combination of DNA. Poles apart from chance.
If by singularity, you mean that it happens by chance and is a one-off event then no. The experiment is repeatable, thus not a singularity.Originally posted by Herzog_Zwei:Hence can be considered a singularity event?
Actually this statement is not true, darwin did postulate about life, and this has been taught in all the schools at all levels.Originally posted by kaister:You see that's the common misunderstanding for evolution. Darwin wrote "Origins of species", not origins of life. Evolution attempts to explain how different species might came from a common ancestor through selection and mutation.
Actually evolution is still unproven as a theory. Hence some of my articles. Ie about the woodpecker and about the fish... they have what we call irreducible complexities...Originally posted by kaister:The reason why creationists are so upset with evolution is not because it proves how life started. It's because evolution proved how life did not start.