On being Thoughtful
by Todd Elder
Being a thoughtful person is becoming a lost art in todays society. Yet this is what believers are called to be. We are not supposed to comform to society's standard. Instead, we should be able to distinguish what is right from wrong, good from evil, and helpful from selfish.
The American Heritage Dictionary defines thoughtful as 'occupied with thought, well thought out and well considered, showing regard for others, and considerate'. 'Thought out' and 'considerate' suggest that we have taken the time not only to know the intended effects of our actions but the side effects as well. 'Considerate' and 'showing regard' means we are taking another persons desires, feelings, or care into account when we weigh the pros and cons of what we are thinking of doing. This is so important and so commonly overlooked anymore.
The problem
In today's world it is far too easy to just be busy and spend our life without actually thinking about what it is we are doing. We are actually trained to do this all through the school system and through our jobs ... they teach us to take in information and spit it back out in predetermined formats and to just follow orders. We are almost like machines just following the program that we have been given. Very few of us are actually trained to think for ourselves or to be creative and imaginative or to do things differently. Even peer pressure causes people to do what is considered normal in society. As believers in YHVH and as followers of Messiah we are called to do more than this. We are to pay attention not only to what we are doing, but to what is going on around us so that we can help others as it is needed.
We have become lax to the point that we can just sit and do what the world is doing and not even notice. We do not consider the consequences of our actions either to ourselves, to others, physically, and especially spiritually. Our society does not bring us up in an environment where the punishment fits the crime ... it is liberal and allows many things to go unpunished or simply let go with a warning which has brought about a bunch of lawlessness, careless attitudes, rudeness, and worse. We do not learn to take responsibility for our actions. We do not bother to see how our actions affect others.
In Fellowship
It should be obvious to us, through the Scriptures and through the Messiah's messages that we are to care for one another. In the law, there are many provisions for the poor, the widow, the orphan, for those in debt, or in other situations. In Messiah's teachings we are given instruction on how to care for another and to not be selfish. Those who help are people who get blessed and whose prayers are heard.
In the epistles, it is written how the body of Messiah is one and that if one part of the body hurts all hurt. In fellowship we are to help each other out. It is not enough to simply attend a group and sit there taking in teaching and then do nothing in return for the group as a whole nor for the individuals in the group. We are called to be attentive to needs. Not all the work is done in a congregational setting ... in fact most of the work probably falls outside the congregation. People have difficulties in their lives for which they would appreciate assistance, some people need to talk or receive counsel, some are in need of money, and others are in need of prayer. Are we actively looking for these things? There are many different gifts of the Spirit and they are given to a person so that they can be used. Most of the gifts are for edification of others and not to be used for oneself.
Our actions in a place of worship are particularly meaningful ... when we are before the Almighty and around other brethren what are we doing? Are we disruptive and causing commotion? Do we break into conversations because we are not patient? Do we cause unneccesary problems by giving unasked for advice and expecting people to follow it? If we approach a person, we should take the moment of time to check and see what they are doing, whether they need to be alone a moment, or if they are uncomfortable with what is being done. This should be taken into consideration.
In Society
How we act in our life influences others ... wether it is our own family, our friends, our society, even our world in both its population and its resources. Have we considered the impact we are having on any of these levels? What we do, what we wear, how we speak, the jobs we take, the hobbies we participate in ... all these things are important to consider.
For most of us, we probably do a better job of caring when it comes to our families than we do with other people. We care about them more and are more considerate because of this. Yet this is a poor standard ... we should be more considerate of everybody (believer and non-believer alike) and do even better with family and brethren. We are to be a light in this world and one of the best ways to shine is to go out and help someone.
In society in general, at least here in the United States, we should realize that we represent the Almighty and the actions of a believer do stick out ... we are watched. If we go along with things like magic, whether it is Harry Potter or simply Walt Disney's magic kingdom, then we are giving a message that these things are okay when in reality all types of magic are an abomination to YHVH. This society promotes, sex, drugs, alcohol, foul language, and all types of physical pleasure and puts this type of advertising on everything from sports equipment, through clothing, and even into childrens toys. We do not make a good witness to society nor a good example for other brethren when we participate in or promote such things through the use of these products. Again, the world does notice when someone does things a little differently.
What does it mean to be thoughtful? It simply means we make a conscious decision in regards to the things we do for ourselves or for others. It means we pay attention to what is going on around us. It means that if we have to go out of our way to do something scripturally or to help someone ... that we go out of our way to do it. It means taking responsibility for our actions and therefore thinking things through before acting or reacting.
With practice, we learn that most of the time helping another person only takes but a moment. We learn that stepping out and offering to help is not difficult or complicated and is usually welcomed quite warmly. As we gain experience, we start gaining a glimpse into the kind of compassion Yahshua had for both individuals and for mankind. Over time, we learn the joys, benefits, and blessings of following the Scriptural guidelines to help others because it promotes our own life as well.
In short, when we learn to be thoughtful, we begin to grow as individuals in the ways of the One Most High. Our world becomes a better place. More people have less problems because we take care of each other rather than being selfishly motivated.