Originally posted by breytonhartge:
but in everything that has been done, do you see anyone trying to phase out islam or paganism or the satanists? the whole aim of secularization is to phase out christianity, but has there ever been legislation phasing out islam or paganism etc? Other relisions have been given the same rights as christianity, but are now using those rights to quash christians rights.
phase out? just like how Xtianity phased out paganism and other keltic and anglo saxon related religions?
how does simply not having any sort of religious displays in a public area count as phasing it out? for eg, im aware that in America, they're fighting to remove things like the 10 commandments from courtrooms and schools etc. Christians can hang them in their homes and in church for all anyone else cares.
Why isn't the 11 Satanic commandments or Islamic Laws displayed in public schools and government buildings then? unfair?
its simply leveling the playing field for everyone. if Secularism really wants to phase out christianity, shouldn't they be arguing for churches to be demolished and attending church to be outlawed instead?
Xtians have to stop having this "victim syndrome" attitude. I dun see the people of religion they've phased out and oppressed for thousands of years doing the same thing. Xtians seem to take every request for them to respect the religions of others as an affront to them. Maybe in all honestly, u lot are just far too sensitive towards yourselves, and far too insensitive towards others.