I have chosen to depart from our frequently asked question mode, to pursue a connection that I have pondered for quite a long time now. I happen to be a frequent listener of Rush Limbaugh. Now, before all the nasty cards and letters start coming in, let me take the time to make my disclaimers. I am not aware of what Mr. Limbaugh's personal religious beliefs are. There are times when he seems very eclectic and universal (Catholic) in his theology, and there are other times when he seems to have a very firm personal relationship with 'Jesus Christ'. Not with the Jewish Messiah of Israel, but rather with the typical western view of the Savior. But, setting that aside, he paints a very clear distinction between conservative and liberal thinking, and has a very profound grasp of reality. His revelations of liberal thinking are accurate and humorous. Let me remind our readers that the ultimate distinction is not between liberal and conservative, but between those who follow the God of Israel and those who do not. However, for the sake of the perspective of the next few teachings I would like to borrow some liberal insights from Mr. Limbaugh and compare them with what I see has happened to the Christian religion.
I would like to take some basic fundamental belief systems from American liberalism and compare them to a very western Hellenistic theology that prevails in modern Christian thinking. A belief system that is lawless, full of cliches, ribbons, buttons, and bumper stickers. A theology that is evolutionary, with little action and a lot of intellectual pointy-headed fluff. An organization that redefines terminology, appeals to emotion, and is more interested in defending itself than defending truth. Well, Brad that was a little strong. I am only telling it like I see it. Are all who claim the Christian title guilty of this? No, not at all. I have found that most of the leadership fits the bill, however.
I am going to use Mr. Limbaugh's list of liberal definitions taken from his second book entitled, 'See I Told You So'. We will cover one or two subjects each teaching. I would just ask that you evaluate carefully what I am saying, and take the time to honestly think about it. If you are a frequent visitor to this web site or have been to one of our seminars then you will have a better background to evaluate my ranting. There is one thing that I have taught over and over that I want you to keep in mind. The moral corruption in our great nation does not spring forth from satanism, the new world order, the new age movement, Democrats, Republicans, Bill Clinton, Hollywood movies, Oprah Winfrey, or Harry Potter. It rests squarely on the shoulders of a Torahless church and a doctrinal system that contains a lot of heat and no light.
The largest groups of liberal thinking in this country are in Hollywood, the media, our biggest institutions of higher learning, and in a handful of special interest groups. Unfortunately, these groups dominate our culture. But one has to ask if our culture created our religious institutions or did our highest profile religion create our culture. Rush Limbaugh is more right than wrong about his assessment of liberal thinking, in my opinion.
It was the President of this country in the decade of the 90's who became the poster boy for issues over morals. It became obvious that a large portion of the population was more interested in what Mr. Clinton could do for them rather than his character or his respect for laws and the constitution. The liberal media was right behind him in promoting his politically correct views of abortion and the environment, over his lack of ability to tell the truth or even to obey the laws of this country. After unsuccessfully chasing Mr. Clinton down for 8 years, the rival conservatives had to admit that his views on certain political issues far exceeded his moral standards in the eyes of the general public. This was verified by the fact that even if Hillary's husband did not win the actual majority of votes in each of his elections, his equally politically correct vice-president did win the majority of votes.
So where did this "issues over moral standards" attitude come from? It is this writers opinion that our view of the God we serve is what establishes the foundation of our philosophy and behavior. We live in a religious culture that has theologically determined that Christ nailed Torah to the cross and that New Testament believers are now 'free' from the law. It should be no surprise, then, that drug abuse, child abuse, violent crime, suicide, abortion, immorality, and crooked CEO's would be part of America's great testimony. According to scripture, it is Torah that is the standard by which we measure what is right and wrong, good and bad, moral and immoral. But that is no longer the case, for YHVH's teaching and instruction no longer has anything to benefit the people. Torah had it's time and it's purpose, but we are in a new age!
Mal'akhi 3:14
"Ye have said, It is vain to serve God; and what profit is it that we have kept His ordinance, and that we have walked mournfully before YHVH of hosts?"
It is my experience with the 'Christian' religion and all of it's tentacles, that my views on certain predetermined issues is what establishes the validity of my 'faith'. If I am asked, "Do you believe that Jesus is your Savior and that He died for your sins?" and I answer in the affirmative, then I am a Christian. My answer to other issues are what confirm my 'walk' with Christ. "Do you believe in 'the' pretribulation rapture?" "Are you baptized in the Holy Ghost, with the evidence of speaking in tongues?" "Do you believe in the Trinity?" And finally the grandest affirmation of my walk with the Lord, "Do you believe you can lose your salvation?" To some denominations my view of the rapture is evidence of my walk with the 'Christ'. To others it is my view of the trinity. The answers to these questions are the 'fruit' of my Christian life. My desire to obey the commandments of the 'Lord' I profess is irrelevent. Morality and ethics as determined by the one who created us is relegated to the Jews. As a matter of fact, in Christian thinking, the more I desire to obey God, the less I am relying on faith. Why the great determiner of my faith is not whether I 'take up the cross' and follow the Messiah, but rather my response to questions 'about' the Messiah. Oh, I get it, it's the issues stupid!