Do you agree?
Wah.. if lidat good liao lo...
Quoted from someone from another forum...India has millions and millions and then some more millions of MBAs and MSc.
Recognised or not is depends on country. Examper, USA may recognise more of their degrees or UK even more. I no the no no.
The important thing to note is that their education is very economical. This means, many the many many get to be educated to high high lever.
Recognised or not is secondary as long as its decent education.
Not recognised in Swaziland does not mean not recognised in Switzerland.
So, having economical degree education, they easy to get educated.
This is very important as they have many analytical people.
If singapore is to compete directly with them, it is so with IT at least, we need to lower the cost of our masters and all degrees.
I know, there will be the contrarians. they would easily say, no money, the honey from the world class thesis generators might not cum here to teach.
But, I think since our bombastical investments so the bombastic, what is this kind of money to them? Think ROI. Think in business terms and maybe I can also say, like this is also great return on investment. So, it depends whether the pple who listen to this like it or not. they like it, its ok. They no like it, its ok lah. so simper.
sgp seems to be at so much disadvantage in terms of competitive advantage. No you think meh?
No har? No, then tell us lah! convince us lah. right here right now since you so the tuakong liulian.
1. lower (not low, ok) salary they demanding: they living cost low the low low. So, they asking lower altho high to them. btw, not that low hor. slightly lower only. net effect is total gains.
2. Highly educated: they education very good pricing. everyone can get degrees at good price.
3. Currency conversion advantage.
Sgp leh? like this I see:
1. Need certain level of income to pay for :
D. Road Tax & Carpark charged to the minute ar.
E. HDB or some even more bombastic condos or bungalows. exec condo also ar!
F. GST rising siah! good the good good ar. Still lesser than new york ar.
G. Children education in highend schools else no so bright future next time ar. This can include ballet, piano, cello, violin, gynastics, etc etc. Private Tuition for better future. Etc etc lah. you know better.
H. 120k to ensure can meet else how? I no no leh.
I. Rising prices foreseeable in near future as we becum more good the good good and stedi bombastico.
J. Wive expense leh. Wife no happy, you where got the honey?
K. The unescapable and guaranteed expense called the medicals.
L. Continuous education else no job future bleaky bleak bleak.
M. so many lah...
2. Education is not getting cheaper as we also becum world class this area. Must aber to pay the researchers and PhDs from great great univarsities. else would they cum the here? also got quota siah. So, many leave home just to get the paper. Like this they pay more more lah.
So, again need to set aside some more moolahs. Like this, har, cost competitive meh? Not forgetting continuous professional skills upgrading, non-academia ones. Can be more expensive than degrees.
3. Currency the strong the strong strong lah. Like this har, we competitive meh? I no the no no lah. only you the yes yes lah.
So, would you be aber to give your views as to how competitive is sgp pple given all these circumstances ?
Actually, I kind of enticipate views from ppl who like to tell me more of the good stuff. That its not so bad. All an illusion. All good the good good.
Lai. I wait for you stedi bombastic comments.