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If you're in the mood for some hack and slash action on your Sony PSP, there should be some coming soon. Koei has announced that its latest offering Warriors Orochi is launching in Japan come February 21.
As you probably know, Koei and Omega Force have put together Warriors Orochi to create an entirely new experience with Samurai Warriors and Dynasty Warriors characters crossing over for total mayhem. Since the Japanese launch is
almost upon us, it should be a safe to assume that the American release
can't be far behind.
If you're wondering how the devs were able to mesh together the Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors universes, the premise in Warriors Orochi was made simple enough to digest. The Serpent King Orochi was feeling a
bit frisky one day, so he decided to create a rift in time and space
that would meld feudal Japan and ancient China.
Here, he would test which of the two eras was more power powerful. As
the player, you can fight through four independent plots to experience
it all.