hey ppl,
sorry im new to psp. just bought it not too long ago.
my question is how do i transfer dl games from bitcomet into my psp ?
Do i need to convert files etc? cos it seems like the file types are different.
and how come the dl from bitcomet is so slow? i know of the bitcomet accelerator but there are ppl who say it doesnt work at all and that it contains viruses and malwares. Is that true?
Thanks for the help. =)
i suggest u to use utorrent to download more easy .......
is it much faster?
is the file dl directly compatible ? or do i still need to convert the file type?
psp games only comes in 2 formats... .iso and the compressed .cso
if u downloaded anyother file types most probably it wont work
But mine is .PBP? i dunno whats that but i dl from bitcomet, it says its for PSP. how come not in the right format one?
So i should convert it?
then yours shld be a PSone game... put it in the folder X:/PSP/Game...i nvr play PSone game on my psp b4...tink u'll need a plugin? maybe someone wif the experience can answer yr query
Ive played before a ps1 game on my psp.Think u just place it in your iso file will do.BTW wat web u dl your games from?
He is using Torrent.... Google on it....
Download at your own risk!
best way to get psp games is pspiso.com
yeah u need a plugin if its a ps game but I think TS wants psp games.
To the TS: sometimes the games are in winrar format so just need to extract and put the iso or cso file wich is the game into the iso folder of ur psp.