Hello everyone,
Would like to start this thread so taht we can discuss more about polishing boots.
Well, in my pass experience of polishing boots, Those NPCC boots are the most easy to polsih, followed by the NCDCC Boots and lastly the Army Combat Boots used by SAF.
Most of the time people would use black kiwi to polish for a shine, but that process would simply take too long a time to shine. Besides, if the pair of boots were polished based totally on black kiwi, it would loose it's shine under the sun after a short while.
Recently, I learned from Kancil that using Neutral Kiwi to polish boots to acheive an ultimate shine in boots. That process really works! Well, it does really stay shiny for quite a long time.
Then there is the Beeswax method which will produced a shine like that of a pair of plastic boots where you can see your face literally like a mirror, unhlike the shine of black and neutral. This method is unknow to most of us because beeswax is quite hard to find in Singapore. This polising method is currently used by the British Army and it can be sen on the boots of the Buckingham palace.
I hope that more information can be shared on the ways and methods of polishing and replacing polish on boots.