Originally posted by the_don:
pwn.. u r lucky u r a pally. my main is a priest. she might be nicely geared up but as a priest all the loot i get from raids are healing gear. all the +hit +effect stuff goes to mages and locks. in other words, i can't kill for coconuts even if i'm 51 shadow. because of this, i would have to get the pvp gear if i wan to level quickly when bc is out.
personally, i'm bitter abt how loot is distributed to priests. no one seems to remember that priests need to farm for gold (repair bills!), farm for mats (runecloth for bandaids), etc etc.
the arguement that giving priest +effects or +hit gear does not equal the priest being able to kills something she was previously unable to do so is plain bullshit. everyone forgets that as a holy priest, it takes longer time for to farm anything.
and now with bc out, priests like me r screwed. wat is the point of being full tier 2? am i gonna out heal the mob? eh wtf.
as for my mage, she is level 57. i'll also pvp for her to get gear. my aim is for her to have all the hwl gear before she is 60. atm gear for her is more impt than level. once she is nicely decked out, she'll be my main. i'm so sick of people going "eh all u do in raid is heal, u wan black wing cobal for wat"
Ya, what you said is completely true for hybrids. Hybrids get the short end of the stick, because they have factor in their raid purpose as well as for soloing.
Hybrids are any class with a function other than DPS'ing.
Warriors - Tanks
Priests - Healers
Druids - Healers
Paladins - Healers
Shamans - Healers (although in TBC they can almost behave as a full DPS class)
Warlocks, Mages, Rogues and Hunters are all very fortunate for their main goal can simply focus on DPS gear and equipment.
Paladins are fortunate that T2 is spell damage, or else they're equally screwed like Priests.
Perhaps a saving grace is that in BC, all Tier equipment can be chosen towards a different playing focus. Although at the end of the day, healing classes are just gonna be forced to choose healing gear. Pallies I guess are luckier as they are not expected to be main healers and can get away with spell damage gear rather than pure healing.
All I can say is that being a priest, you typically need a close group of friends to assist one another for every situation. My wife is lucky like that. Any thing her priest needs done, she'll bug me to assist her.
I note that in BC, alot of gear is centric towards a tanking paladin. This is certainly new ground, one that has been typically ignored.
I'm having serious temptations to go Shammie