Confirm liao! To a rich girl again, and what worst, to someone who is again older than me by a year.
The third girl I like, who happen to be older than me.
ming zhong zhu ding
It sucks to like older girls la. Imagine FI, a little kid come up to you and confess he like you. Gees.
Originally posted by toyota-corolla:Confirm liao! To a rich girl again, and what worst, to someone who is again older than me by a year.
The third girl I like, who happen to be older than me.
So long she's not materialistic or authoritarian...should be ok ba....
Originally posted by toyota-corolla:It sucks to like older girls la. Imagine FI, a little kid come up to you and confess he like you. Gees.
i like FI xD
i ish little kid.