nvr reply to my posts basketed
wad, wait so long nobody reply to my other qns i heck go eat bye
wtf u're a moderator in chit chat???
Originally posted by newcomer:wtf u're a moderator in chit chat???
har... y u scold me sucker seh...
Originally posted by newcomer:har... y u scold me sucker seh...
You cannot scold someone a sucker... scolding refers to calling someone a name with anger to create or use in an arguement...
I simply call you a sucker coz you are one...
watever lah. i just ask u y only. so y har?
Originally posted by newcomer:watever lah. i just ask u y only. so y har?
You copy the forum name, then paste it in Microsoft document and change font size to 78 and see what's wrong...
Originally posted by newcomer:wtf u're a moderator in chit chat???
see clearly.
orh... lidat lah... baka sia.
Originally posted by newcomer:orh... lidat lah... baka sia.
so wols sia me.
i c