Originally posted by p00rme:
In his book on Edgar Cayce, Henry Reed talks about a higher self or 'the witness', which watches everything we do, say, feel and think. Our higher self never goes to sleep, it is always awake, watching, processing and seeing things from an objective perspective as we struggle through our lives.
Our higher self is aware of and connected with the creative energy of the universe. It uses this energy to get our lives back on track by sending us messages through our dreams.
Interesting I have to concur on the concept of 'the witness' which watches everything we do, say, feel and think.
Not only He watches but He also take active role in answering our needs, wantings or desire and prayers. It never go 'dormant' even while I sleep or dreaming. It could take action or connect to us anytime including while we're asleep for example to simply wake us at the right moment, to stop our dreams or to give us one. Its presence and action would be seemed as a supernatural phenomenon to non believers or linked with a paranormal ability or psychic. I've found that there's no bound to its ability to either manipulate us or the environment and it knows everything not just about me but simply everything. Time is of no factor to 'it'. And it is definitely a sentient superior being capable of making its own decision which implies that it's capable to think and judge and do its decision based on its remarkable detailed planning. It's very interested in our life. Perhaps care is more suitable.
And yes it or its avatar or its servant can take physical form tough not as what we might expected from a blood and bone creature. It's definitely biped and humanoid in form down to the muscle though I think(guts feeling) it may change its form into anything it wants. And it's emitting a profound energy (reading).....which while not be able to be seen can be felt clearly by another sentient beings.
Of interesting note that in every encounter or visit it always try to hide its face either by a very profound white light emission(much more stronger than our own solar) or by a substance which property closely matching that of a black hole which is unable to be penetrated by any light source. And the color white has always been linked to holiness characteristics perhaps it wasn't just a coincidence that its face was emitting that specific spectrum of light. It is very possible that any sentient being may be turned blind by this light exposure though I've a suspicion that the only thing that keeping other sentient beings from being literally blinded is the light source own will. Again arousing my suspicion that it is an independent intelligent sentient being.
I've come to known and experience that it is quite active in my life especially in the last few years. I'm referring it as God though. As I've personal experience that made me believe it is God. Though there is a possibility that it is a trickery from the being identified as the devil. But so far my experience with this watcher has never indicated that it is the devil so there is nothing to alarm me to this being.
Do I sound like Data of Star Trek LOL I've been watching the series these couple days