If mama shop the cigs cannot sell off how? then their duty paid cigs become duty unpaid?
another brainless move anyone?
This is what the future sg cigg will look like.
Originally posted by Master -_-:
that's it..must have Ho Ching's portrait superimposed on the stick already
make it holographic, so that she gives you a kinky smile everytime you light up.
wah lau.. by jan next yr lei....
wad if i stock up alot of cigs from this yr one? all kena charge duty-paid fees ah?
I think it's a stupid move .. More ppl will get illegal ones but of cos sure some will get the legal way .. I think the whole world, we are the only one doing this? No?
Cos only our gahmen thinks about the money that comes from such taxes... look at the taxes and you would know... 400% tax leh...
Originally posted by chrisbenoit:This is what the future sg cigg will look like.
the thing is the SDPC is purposely printed at the back.... very cb 1 la. last night listened the news liaos sibei du lans.
i think the pirates will cover that in no time
Originally posted by Agenda:If mama shop the cigs cannot sell off how? then their duty paid cigs become duty unpaid?
another brainless move anyone?
maybe for them, they could return it and exchange from their dealers or somethin. But us consumers cannot. Dont know leh. A fuckin retarded move. FIRST country somemore.
Wat to do? Trust mi more ppl will get illegal cigarettes.
siansation man. . .
this is juz another reason to hijack the price. . .
I'm kinda puzzled by the govt actions - to earn more money or to stop people from smoking??
Did they print "SDPC" to ensure that Singaporeans buy the sticks solely in Singapore?
They raised the idea of "reducing" the number of smokers but this seems, to me, an idea to raise their profits instead.
jack price of cigs for fuck.
people want to buy also have to suffer all this ridiculous prices and taxes slapped on by the stupid fucks, under the context of wanting people to quit smoking. they just want to find another way to get you to fork out more money
fucking money-grubbing dipshits
now adays alot of people buying contraband ciggys.
they cannot earn what.. thats why came out with this plan.
the stupid quit smoking thing is the most fuck up one.
dunno if the ink print alr the cig got change smell anot?
haiz.. i think most polly they will up the price again..
im not surpised if next time per pack cost $20-30. maybe around 10-20 years time?
lol LHL pictorial. but if we smoke it.. its like we burning the picture also.. will get fine anot? haha
i heard because of that winston gonna stop in singapore.