i need help with doing the chest press coz i rarely feel that my chest muscles are worked after an exercise. i know i have been doing it wrongly most of the time coz my wrists hurt after the exercise... but how to do it properly???
im using a machine for chest press by the way...
dun use machines; they screw up your joints over time. This is because your range of motion is limited... furthermore, your side muscles (i not sure of the terms) to control the stability of the free weights are not trained...
use dumbbells or barbell... or cables.... it's better
my gym no dumbbell or barbell... sigh
is the chest expander a good replacement or does it do something else?
dunno leh... dun use chest expander one...
invest in a better gym with dumbbells or barbells la...
You can make wonders with just dumbbells...
A gym without dumbbells or weights?? That's weird, which gyms do you go to? Anyway, the reason why your wrists hurt is probably because you either set the machine too heavy or you are using a wrong grip that cause you to bend your arm whenever you are pushing the weight. I agree with eagle, just find a better gym with weights.If not, either use the chest machine with a lighter weight to get better form or just stick to good old push-ups, dips and pull-ups (they all train chest).
Btw,chest expanders are quite useless, unless you are already quite advanced in bodybuilding and just wants to tone up....
i switched to using the pec-fly and finally my chest hurts...