Hi hi
does anyone know of places that sell gym equipment? Not those machines but like dumbbells that are 20 to 30 kg. And the bench to do bench press with dumbbells? And also the normal sit-up mat.
i thout some of those shops that sell gym equipment also sell those kinds of things that you are looking for.
Guess any sport shops will hv sell all those stuffs, so, it quite dumb to ask about where sell dumbells. And please dun carry too much dumbells, you get dumber and weaker.
Don't people go out anymore these days? Simple things like this also need to ask.
world of sports sport link
Ooo thanks everyone who contributed thanks a lot. As for those who, well, just act as if they are highly respected figures of authority in the area of knowing where to shop for dumbbells, you just might want to save your teachings for someone that might actually listen to you.
Thanks again everyone!
Originally posted by angel7030:Guess any sport shops will hv sell all those stuffs, so, it quite dumb to ask about where sell dumbells. And please dun carry too much dumbells, you get dumber and weaker.
me got dumber le :(
if didn't play with dumbbells, could have scored perfect score in uni :(
Now not perfect le :(
Ooo I think I'll check out AIBI in that case. Mustafa is a tad too far for me. Thanks everyone!
marine parade, parkway abi