Those that succeeded in losing weight/fats and still continue their normal lifestyle. please share!
You can't lose weight and then continue your 'normal lifestyle' you had when you were fat... that doesn't really make any sense. If you continue to eat the way you did before weight loss, you will gain it all back in no time... Losing weight depends heavily on your diet, so eat clean and you'll see results. At the same time, hit the gym every other day. I lost about 12 kg in a month. Basically ran 5km every single day, went swimming and cycling. A year later, im still the same weight but i still gym very often and i dont eat alot of junk food... i was a fat kid so it will take continuous effort to not get back to my old weight...
not just exercise
diet and other activities in life also affects
u have to know where ur problem lies first
I succeeded losing 10 kg and i look so much better than last time. No sagging skin very healthy.
i managed to lose 10kg in 2 months.
basically now/low carb, theirefore high protein. and in the first month, going for a run 4-6 times a week. in the 2nd moth almost no sports, during no time... but stil continued losing weight.
and i ate less
Originally posted by viviangoh:Those that succeeded in losing weight/fats and still continue their normal lifestyle. please share!
You want to 'have your cake and eat it too'?
I agree with tinooo but I would suggested that you continue to workout after he first month. This will ensure that you continue to lose weight plus becoming fitter! :D