1. fart on a talking pillow
2. pcc on a talking pillow
3. pee on a talking pillow
What is yours?
drive bus over the pillow
stuff pillow inside bass drum and beat the hell out of the bass drum
squeeze it inside a oven and on the oven at 200 degree
Pillow O levels... you all so notti distract him
>< i also exam now...
my exam over..
*dances around the exit door*
none of the above..
tie the pillow to a rope & dangle it outside your window..
and ask for ransom?
bounce on pillow
get some babes & do a pillow fight..
kick the pillow
tsk. thats not one way
Originally posted by SBS7484P:drive bus over the pillow
stuff pillow inside bass drum and beat the hell out of the bass drum
lol everything bus de.
no what. got drum this time.
Originally posted by SBS7484P:no what. got drum this time.
but still got bus invovled
bus roll over drum which roll over pillow?
Stab the freakin pillow!
i not around u all buwee me
i tell fireice ar!
where got... play with u mah
fuck it
wwaaaa the pillow not virgin liao lor LOL
keep this topic fresh la =)
by locking dis thread