Well, guess i am a little busy...
Need one more mod to help.
Who wants?
Well their job are just Basic moderator job and i don't think i need to explain much...
Just something extra about the mod here, They need to be able to organize outing.
This forum is more of an place to get us know each other more as well as spend our lonely/boring time together.
So will be common in this forum.
And mod here must know how to organize outing.
Need not need to be single.
Popikachu and natalie will decide on the mod.
Vote and comment on people who want to participate in the selection are welcome. No flaming here.
Selection ListKenn3th
[email protected]Honeybear1990
Added on 23rd july.
> Please come for the first outing so we will know each other more and i may choose from there also.
>Also, there MAY BE NO participants who will take the place also.