Originally posted by thelesis:In order to join our uncle casper gang, you must speak a language that normal people don't understand...
Let me be the first one..
ah bu na na ah bu hee hee... ni ma maa wo maa maa.. then i blink here , blink there, blink blink anywhere...
You can master game language in no time... dota always godlike....Originally posted by Darkness_hacker99:Hdfsio usof soadu, uiods dsn odusa dnad noy dgauy iovfu dsabi fgp?
Using Casper gang online translator. It means.. If I join this gang, what benefits will I get?
you mean ghost buster...Originally posted by rainhawk87:can i call the ghost blaster lol
forgot is blaster or anither b...
rainhawk.. i let you be the ghost buster if you go to the bbq pit..Originally posted by rainhawk87:can i call the ghost blaster lol
forgot is blaster or anither b...
rook rike you lehOriginally posted by seotiblizzard:
Originally posted by gigabyte14:rook rike you leh
i thought is ghost butter !!!Originally posted by popikachu:you mean ghost buster...
Originally posted by Zarks:bunch of kids lol
you arent that old too kiddy ^^Originally posted by Zarks:bunch of kids lol
that is nismolgal gang...Originally posted by speakupforyourrights:if i $p34k 133+, does it counts?