Originally posted by Agenda:
How much you agree on that?
A few months back this stupid girl liked me, I didn't like her. I was only treating her as a friend then she thought I liked her as well. But she is totally not my type, so emo and chao ah lian.
Then me reject her, She started to hate me and said many bad things about me. Say I playboy and play with her feeling.
Now she always stare at me or give me that roll eyes stare.
Then now, I MERELY ONLY invited this girl to a group outing. NOTE! I also got invite other girls. Then this girl and her friend THINKS that I'm interested in her and they have literally told everyone that I like her. HELLO!? She like totally, utterly and simply cannot be my kind of girl.
Why are girls so hard to comprehend?
Girls are not hard to comprehend.
But u juz met one that is naive. And I believe she is also pretty young, so.. I shan't say much. She sounds like an attention seeker thou, no offence.
Ah lians still exist??? Tat is soooooo passe leh.
Anyway, draw a line if u dun want to have this type of problems again.