Some say "grass is grenier on the other side"
Some say "grass is not always greenier on the other side".
But if you are bored of work and life, where u r, is it time for a new change? new culture? new life?
Where is the dream destination for most of u if u want to go overseas?
never thought much of migrating/working overseas. . . . .
Then realise where is the greeny grass... And I know I am on one of the best grass now hehe
already done that....
If you are young, you can do so without a worry in the world. If you don't succeed, you can always come back. Its good experience after all, different working culture, meet different people, build your network... see how people abroad do things so well.
But once age catches up with you, you will have many things on your plate. When to settle down, your family, your friends... life is no more just about yourself. You can't afford to just leave everything and just go like that...
Speaking from a perspective of having done that...
forever young, i wanna be, forever young~!